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It's really the data science career a good option in the present?

I am a student in the area of autotronic, and artificial intelligence. #AI #DataScience


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11 answers

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Jessica’s Answer

Yes! Data is everywhere. If you can work with and understand data, clearly communicate using data, and use data to drive decisions, every company is looking for that at the moment and not many people have those skills
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Dexter’s Answer

Hi Emmanuel,

Yes! This will be a career that will be in demand for decades to come. Just remember that before it was popularized as data science, statisticians did similar (if not the same) tasks and they were in demand for the past hundred years.

Wish you the best of luck!

Thank you comment icon Thank you Dexter for your reply and good wishes, regards. Emmanuel
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Jai’s Answer

Yes, it is a great career option. However, you need to be self-aware of your interest to make sure that math and statistics interest you. If not, then I would not advise you to make it your carer option, because you may get bored and find yourself dragging to it. So go by your passion and interest. Good luck!
Thank you comment icon Great, thank you Jai for your reply and good wishes. Emmanuel
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karthik’s Answer

Data Science is one of the most highly paid jobs. According to Glassdoor, Data Scientists make an average of $116,100 per year. This makes Data Science a highly lucrative career option
Thank you comment icon Thank you Karthik for you answer and information, regards. Emmanuel
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Doan’s Answer

Data science is being applied across all business functions - finance, sales, marketing, engineering, HR, to name a few. Talent with a data science background is highly sought after by business teams.
Thank you comment icon Thank you Doan for you answer, regards. Emmanuel
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Thomas’s Answer

There is no simple answer to this question, as it depends on a variety of factors such as your specific goals, skillset, and interests. However, overall, a career in data science can be an excellent choice for many people.

Data science is one of the fastest-growing fields in the world, and there is high demand for skilled data scientists across a variety of industries. Data science can be used to solve real-world problems in areas like healthcare, finance, education, and more. If you enjoy working with data and are excited about finding ways to use it to improve businesses and society, then a career in data science could be a great fit for you.
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Pooja’s Answer

Data science is an inter-disciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data,[1][2] and apply knowledge and actionable insights from data across a broad range of application domains. Data science is related to data mining, machine learning and big data. (Src:)

With this definition in mind, you can see applications in products you may be using everyday - starting from amazon shopping to covid vaccine roll-outs.
Given your interest in Data Science, let me cite some data from,jobs%20(source%3A%20IBM).

A predicted 2.7 million open jobs in data analysis, data science and related careers in 2020 (source: IBM).
39% growth in employer demand for demand for both data scientists and data engineers by 2020 (source IBM).
An average earning potential of $8,736 more per year than any other bachelor’s degree jobs (source: IBM).

Having said all of this, a certification in data science may not be enough. You may want to look for a graduate level program in Data Science. A lot of the core skills required for Data Science are also covered in Computer Science Under graduate degree. you could go down that route and get your roots in the basics of computer science and pick a few classes along the way to major in Data Science.
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Venkata Subbarao’s Answer

The necessity of the data is crucial now a days and data is one of the main source for any organization to achieve their goals. So, data scientist must be there in an organization to do such tasks to achieve the goals.
Thank you comment icon Thank you Venkata Subbarao for you answer, regards. Emmanuel
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Roxana’s Answer

Absolutely! Data can be found all around us, and it currently serves as the foundation for decision-making in every organization. Data Science is, without a doubt, the way forward!
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hi Emmanuel,

Absolutely, pursuing a career in data science is a fantastic choice now and will remain so in the foreseeable future. As per the World Economic Forum's report, the role of a data scientist is considered the top job, considering both job availability and salary progression (World Economic Forum, 2020). The need for data scientists is on a steep rise due to the escalating significance of data-led decision making across various sectors.

Data science is all about unearthing valuable insights from massive datasets using a variety of methods like machine learning, statistical analysis, and data visualization. These insights are key to helping businesses streamline their operations, enhance customer service, and secure a competitive advantage. Plus, with the growing adoption of artificial intelligence and machine learning in diverse applications, the demand for data scientists is set to surge even more.

On top of that, data science comes with attractive salary packages. Glassdoor reports that the median base salary for a data scientist in the US is about $113,000 annually (Glassdoor, 2021). However, this figure can fluctuate based on aspects like location, industry, and level of experience.

Moreover, data science opens up a plethora of job opportunities in various sectors such as finance, healthcare, retail, technology, and manufacturing. As a data scientist, you can take up roles like data analyst, machine learning engineer, business intelligence analyst, and predictive modeler.

To sum up, data science is a stellar career path for students like you with a keen interest in autotronics and artificial intelligence. It promises abundant job opportunities with high salaries and a diverse range of job roles across multiple industries.

Authoritative References Used:

World Economic Forum. (2020). The Future of Jobs Report 2020: What Will Tomorrow’s Jobs Look Like? Retrieved from

Glassdoor. (2021). Data Scientist Salary Report: How Much Do Data Scientists Make? Retrieved from,20.htm

May God bless you!
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David’s Answer

Hi Emmanuel,

Short answer would be yes - there's definitely a lot of opportunity in data science as a career. The one caveat is that the opportunity has drawn a lot of people into the field, and it can be a competitive job market (particularly at the entry level). Couple of things that you can do to help make sure you stand out:

- Whatever application you're working on, learn the business function/process/dynamic that you're trying to model - e.g. if you're trying to build a model to forecast demand for red t-shirts, you need to understand why people buy red t-shirts, where they're sold,  how they're priced, etc. Many data science students focus on learning the methods, but don't focus enough on understanding the underlying system that they're trying to model. That's critical for both making sure that your model works right, and for being able to communicate the results/output/methodology to the stakeholders (just about any model you build is going to ultimately have to get used/approved/etc. by a non-technical stakeholder)

- Stay on top of the latest developments in AI, particularly generative AI - it probably goes without saying, but the continued evolution of AI is going to substantially impact how companies perform data science and what types of roles they need to do it. That's potentially a double-edged sword - there's a potential that some roles get automated in the future, but it also creates a lot of opportunity for individuals who can ride that wave and help develop/implement those new solutions