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How do I acheive my goals?

I struggle with staying on task and getting work done on time, but I want to go to a good college.

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Doc’s Answer

Lorelei if you want to focus on your goals, you need to set yourself up for success. One of the best goal setting methods I can recommended is called SMART goals. SMART goals can be helpful in any areas of your life.

• Specific: you have a clear outcome
in mind for your goal
• Measurable: you have a metric
with which you can define success
• Achievable: you can realistically
expect to achieve your goal with
your current skills and resources
• Relevant: your goal is aligned or
at least doesn’t conflict with your
other life goals
• Time-bound: you have a clear
deadline for achieving your goal

I ensure you if you stick with the SMART goal setting method you’re bound to see massive improvements in your ability to stay focused on your goals. It all starts with choosing goals that you’re excited to achieve. Additionally make sure that your goals are not in direct competition with one another. They could be competing for your time, energy, resources, and so on.

I hope this will be helpful Lorelei

Doc recommends the following next steps:

IDENTIFY & REMOVE DISTRACTIONS: Remember those pesky distractions? Now it’s time to do something about them. Some things that pull us away from work are unavoidable and important, but others are time-wasters. Make the distinction and terminate with extreme prejudice those distractions that can be lost.
AVOID PROCRASTINATION: Procrastinating comes in many forms, from taking a coffee break to overdoing it with research. It’s important to nip this tendency in the bud. Get an accountability partner to keep you on track. Sometimes it helps to do the hardest tasks first or the easy ones first, whichever will keep you busy. Regardless, don’t wait to do something. Start early and get it done.
PRIORITIZATION: One way to create order from the chaos of the many tasks you must accomplish to reach your goal is to prioritize them. Not all tasks are created equally, some are critical, while others could be left to the last minute as they’re not so important. Therefore, some you need to pay more attention to than others, but you won’t know until you prioritize.
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Daria’s Answer

Achieving your goals, such as getting into a good college, requires dedication, discipline, and effective time management. Here are some strategies to help you stay on task and increase your productivity:

1. Set Clear and Specific Goals: Define your goals in a clear and specific manner. Break them down into smaller, actionable steps. This will make your goals more manageable and provide a roadmap for what needs to be accomplished.

2. Prioritize Tasks: Determine which tasks are the most important and tackle them first. Prioritizing helps you focus your energy on high-impact activities and ensures that crucial tasks are completed in a timely manner.

3. Create a Schedule: Develop a schedule or a to-do list that outlines your daily and weekly tasks. Allocate specific time slots for studying, completing assignments, and working on college applications. Stick to your schedule as much as possible to establish a consistent routine.

4. Eliminate Distractions: Identify the factors that distract you the most and try to minimize or eliminate them. This may involve turning off notifications on your phone, finding a quiet study environment, or using website blockers to limit access to distracting websites or social media.

5. Break Tasks into Manageable Chunks: Large tasks or projects can be overwhelming, making it difficult to get started. Break them down into smaller, more manageable chunks. Focus on completing one small task at a time, which will give you a sense of progress and motivation to continue.

6. Use Time-Management Techniques: Explore different time-management techniques to enhance your productivity. Some popular methods include the Pomodoro Technique (working in focused bursts followed by short breaks), time blocking (assigning specific time slots for different activities), and the Eisenhower Matrix (prioritizing tasks based on urgency and importance).

7. Stay Organized: Maintain an organized workspace and keep your study materials, notes, and assignments in order. Use digital tools or physical planners to keep track of deadlines, important dates, and upcoming tasks. Being organized will help you stay on top of your responsibilities and reduce stress.

8. Seek Accountability and Support: Share your goals and progress with a supportive friend, family member, or mentor who can hold you accountable. Regular check-ins and discussions about your progress can motivate you to stay on track and provide guidance when needed.

9. Take Breaks and Practice Self-Care: Taking regular breaks is essential for maintaining focus and preventing burnout. Incorporate short breaks into your study schedule, engage in physical activity, practice relaxation techniques, and ensure you are getting enough sleep and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

10. Reflect and Adjust: Regularly reflect on your progress and assess what is working and what needs improvement. Be willing to make adjustments to your strategies and approaches if something is not working effectively. Learning from your experiences and adapting your methods will help you become more efficient and effective in achieving your goals.

Remember, achieving your goals takes time and effort. Stay motivated, stay focused, and be persistent in your pursuit. Celebrate your achievements along the way to maintain a positive mindset and keep moving forward.
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Tannisha’s Answer

Its all about your self discipline, at least it is for me. you have to have a set time and routine to keep your personal life and professional life separate but stick to it.
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Sadaf’s Answer

Here are some tips on how to achieve your goals, even if you struggle with staying on task and getting work done on time:

Set SMART goals. Your goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. For example, instead of saying "I want to go to a good college," say "I want to apply to and get accepted to at least three top-ranked colleges."

Break down your goals into smaller steps. Once you have set a SMART goal, break it down into smaller, more manageable steps. For example, if your goal is to get accepted to three top-ranked colleges, you might break it down into the following steps:

Research colleges and find three that you are interested in and that meet your academic and financial needs.
Start studying for the SAT or ACT at least six months before you plan to take the test.
Request letters of recommendation from teachers or other adults who know you well.
Start writing your college essays at least three months before you plan to apply.
Submit your applications to all three colleges on time.
Create a schedule and stick to it. Once you have broken down your goals into smaller steps, create a schedule for completing each step. Be sure to schedule in time for breaks and relaxation, but also be realistic about how much time you need to complete each task.

Eliminate distractions. When you are trying to work on your goals, it is important to eliminate distractions as much as possible. This means turning off your phone, closing your email, and finding a quiet place to work.

Reward yourself for your progress. As you complete each step towards your goals, reward yourself with something you enjoy. This will help you stay motivated and on track.

If you are still struggling to stay on task and get work done on time, you may want to talk to a counselor or therapist. They can help you identify the underlying causes of your procrastination and develop strategies for overcoming it.

Here are some additional tips that may be helpful for you:

Start with the hardest task first. This can be difficult, but it is often the best way to get it done. Once you have completed the hardest task, you will feel a sense of accomplishment and be more motivated to work on the other tasks.
Take breaks. It is important to take breaks when you are working on a long task. Get up and move around, or do something else that you enjoy for a few minutes. This will help you stay refreshed and focused when you return to your work.
Find a study buddy. Having someone to study with can help you stay motivated and on track. You can quiz each other, help each other with homework, and take breaks together.
Don't be afraid to ask for help. If you are struggling with a particular task, don't be afraid to ask for help from a teacher, classmate, or parent.
Remember, it is important to be patient with yourself. It takes time and effort to learn new skills and habits. Don't get discouraged if you don't see results immediately. Just keep working at it, and you will eventually reach your goals.
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Clarke’s Answer

Something I've found to be helpful when I feel overwhelmed is write out everything that needs to be done, and when. Then, make a list of priority for the various items. Often, I'll find that once I see my to-do list written out, I feel less stressed since I have a plan.
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Vamshee’s Answer

Hello Lorelei,

You're on the right path by asking such insightful questions! Continue to do so and seek guidance from those around you - friends, family, and teachers - to stay on track and reach your goals. Here are a few strategies that may be beneficial to you on your journey.

1. Maintain a Positive Mindset: Establishing and monitoring your personal goals, being receptive to fresh ideas and methods, learning from your errors, and seeking assistance can all contribute to a positive mindset.

2. Prioritize Your Time: Those who achieve success ensure they allocate time for essential tasks. Here are a few ways you can make the most of your time:
- Wake up early and utilize the morning hours to focus on your priorities.
- Reduce time spent on screens or non-essential activities.
- Use commuting time to catch up on tasks.

3. Time Management: Prioritize your tasks, establish a daily routine, avoid distractions while studying, start projects early, and create a project plan.

4. Ensure Rest and Relaxation: Make sure to get quality rest, eat healthily, dedicate time to your hobbies and interests, and engage in physical activities like exercise, biking, or walking.

5. Build a Robust Network: Establish connections with your friends, teachers, coaches, and family, and devote time to nurturing these relationships.

6. Cultivate Patience: Patience can help you understand that consistent effort and reflection can lead to successful results. Be aware of your thoughts, practice deep breathing, set milestones, and reward yourself when you achieve them.

These are just a few tips that come to mind, and I hope they prove to be helpful on your journey to achieving your goals!
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Rian’s Answer

Hi Lorelei
One method I would recommend is to use a planner. Using a planner can help organize what tasks you need to do, and what tasks you should prioritize based on when they are due. Organization is usually the best way to stay on track to achieve your goals as it lays out specific objectives for you to accomplish. Another thing I would recommend is making sub-goals, or smalelr goals on the way to your bigger goals. Instead of becoming overwhelmed by a large goal, try to break it down into smaller more achievable goals that you can slowly accomplish.

Best of luck to you,
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Joan’s Answer

Hello Lorelei!

Your question is fantastic and shows that you're proactively planning for the future, setting yourself up for success in the next phase of your life.

Have you figured out what career path you want to pursue? This is a significant decision, but don't fret if you're unsure. Many individuals enter college with one career in mind, only to discover a different passion.

My personal experience is a case in point. I initially enrolled in college as a Fashion Design Major. However, after a year, I realized it wasn't the right fit for me. I reflected on my experiences, my likes and dislikes, and sought advice from an Academic Advisor. Considering my skills, talents, and interests, the advisor recommended that I switch to a Business degree with a focus on Marketing.

College is an excellent platform for self-discovery. Your current aspirations may lead you to uncover a completely different passion. Maintain an open mind - at Microsoft, we refer to this as a "Growth Mindset". Embracing a Growth Mindset means you're continuously learning and applying those lessons to new situations. It involves being receptive to new ideas and opportunities, and learning from setbacks by utilizing past experiences.

Ultimately, it's all about discovering your passion. Once you identify what you love doing, you'll find the motivation to stay on track and chase your dreams.

I hope this provides a helpful response to your question. :)

Joan recommends the following next steps:

Have you considered talking to an Academic Advisor in your high school and taking some tests that might help reveal your passions?
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hey there, Lorelei!

Reaching your dreams is all about good time management, a bit of discipline, and a solid game plan. If you're finding it tough to stay focused or finish tasks on time, don't worry! There are plenty of strategies you can use to boost your productivity and improve your chances of getting into a great college.

1. Define Your Goals Clearly: The first step to achieving your dreams is to know exactly what they are. Make your goals SMART - specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. For instance, instead of just saying "I want to get into a good college," try something more specific like "I aim to secure a spot in XYZ University's engineering program before I graduate high school."

2. Make a Step-by-Step Plan: Once you know what you're aiming for, break down your goals into smaller, doable tasks. Make a detailed plan that sets out the steps you need to take to reach each goal. Prioritize these tasks based on how important they are and when they need to be done. This way, your big goals will seem less daunting and you'll stay focused.

3. Master Time Management: Keeping track of your time is key to staying on course and finishing tasks on time. Try making a schedule or using a planner to set aside specific times for different activities, like studying, homework, hobbies, and chill time. Be honest with yourself about how much time you need for each task and don't bite off more than you can chew.

4. Say No to Procrastination: Procrastination can really get in the way of reaching your goals. To beat it, break tasks into smaller, manageable chunks and tackle them one by one. Set deadlines for yourself and stick to them. Also, try to minimize distractions like social media or too much screen time when you're supposed to be studying.

5. Build Self-Discipline: Self-discipline is a must for staying focused and motivated. Train yourself to put important tasks before fun distractions. Find techniques that work for you, like using timers or rewards to keep you motivated and on track.

6. Get Support and Accountability: It can really help to have someone to keep you accountable for your goals. Share your dreams with a trusted friend, family member, or mentor who can give you support and help keep you on track. You could also join study groups or find a study buddy with similar goals for extra motivation and accountability.

7. Balance Work and Life: While it's important to work hard for your goals, it's just as important to have a balanced life. Make sure to set aside time for relaxation, hobbies, hanging out with friends, and looking after yourself. Taking breaks and giving yourself time to recharge can help avoid burnout and make you more productive overall.

Remember, reaching your goals takes time and effort. Be kind to yourself and stay committed to the journey. Celebrate small wins along the way to stay motivated and focused on your ultimate goal of getting into a great college.

Top 3 Trusted Reference Publications or Websites:

1. Harvard Business Review -
2. Forbes -
3. Time Management Ninja -