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Eric Packer’s Avatar

Eric Packer

Structural engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Boise, Idaho
82 Answers
72247 Reads
290 Karma

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Emily’s Avatar
Emily Jul 15 1052 views

Is a job at a bakery okay if I want to be a physician assistant when I am older?

I'm currently 15 years old and an upcoming sophomore in high school. I have an idea of what I want to be but right now to gain work experience I want to work at a bakery. Will this look bad for college if a bakery job I am applying too isn't really related to what I want to pursue.

Amari’s Avatar
Amari Jun 18 443 views

How to say in a interview that you haven't done something when ask a behavior question ?

behavior question [tell a time when..]

Mayra’s Avatar
Mayra May 23 329 views

How much was University for you, what do I expect?

I am a first generation student with no money and no financial savings. I would like to know for everyone how was school for all of you? How much did it cost? What would be the starter kit for university?

sophia’s Avatar
sophia May 22 744 views

How can I begin playing soccer and enhance my abilities?

Hi, I am a 15-year-old who recently started ballet classes around February. I am interested in picking up another sport, specifically soccer. Although I have never played soccer on a team or taken any classes, there are no options available for kids my age in my area. I have even considered...

Jayy’s Avatar
Jayy May 12 367 views

What advice or steps can I take when I experience some setback in my career?

What advice or steps can I take when I experience some setback in my career.

Felix’s Avatar
Felix Apr 30 432 views

Which classes/ steps do I have to take in order to get a Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering?

Tips for mechanical engineering

Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew Apr 29 719 views

Should I attend Northeastern University or a cheaper state school?

For context, my parents are insistent that I go to Northeastern University, as they're obsessed with acceptance rates. It's 34,000 without federal loans, which is quite outrageous as we are broke. They're insistent that they are able to afford it yet even if were not, I'd rather not spend that...

Charly’s Avatar
Charly Apr 27 505 views

How can I get a research opportunity or internship with a professor or company as a high school student?

Hi, I am an high school junior interested in conducting a research or interning in the engineering field this summer, but I’m not sure where to start or how to go about it. I contacted a lot of engineering firms around me and most of them either don’t do internships or don’t have any...

Movindee’s Avatar
Movindee Apr 27 662 views

How do I improve my communication skills to become a confident and a successful engineer in the field of construction?

Hi I'm a final year civil engineering student at University of Technology Sydney. I'm a fee paying international student who's first language is not English. However I speak very good english since I had the exposure to it. How do I improve my communication skills to become a confident and a...

Naziyat’s Avatar
Naziyat Dec 18, 2023 1094 views

What should I learn and do if I want to be an Architect?

My father is an mechanic engineer. He encourages be to be an architect. But the main thing is that I like architecture a lot and I am practicing sketch, buildings and perspective. I want to know the things I should learn about architecture and which will help me in the future.

Ilknur’s Avatar
Ilknur Dec 11, 2023 1514 views

How do I become a good candidate for internships without prior experience?

I am a sophomore in a liberal arts college, and I want to know how I can get internships and become a strong candidate. I want to go into consulting, but it scares me because of how competitive it is. What kind of traits should I have?

Aaron’s Avatar
Aaron Oct 19, 2023 384 views

What do construction managers do?

what do they do.

Kennedi’s Avatar
Kennedi Aug 27, 2023 844 views

What is the most commonly asked question during an interview ?

I want to go into architecture and I want to know what requirements I should have done in order to get the job

Naziyat’s Avatar
Naziyat May 03, 2023 1002 views

Which subjects do I have to start reading with more importance to become a good Engineer?

I will like to have Engineer as my career. So I want to start preparing my self. For that I need some advice in which subject do I need to study more.

Fiona’s Avatar
Fiona Apr 27, 2023 2410 views

How do I make a good impression in an interview?

How do I make a good impression in an interview when I have minimal work experience? I have a very limited resume but I am going to have to enter the job force soon. Alternatively, where can I go that will require minimal experience? on what to include.