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Larry Siegel’s Avatar

Larry Siegel

Government Liaison, Non-profit fundraising, Non-profit operation
Management Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
22 Answers
11262 Reads
41 Karma

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roxy’s Avatar
roxy May 10 299 views

how to become the best teacher

how do i become a teacher. what are the best schools. how long is the process. what kind of teacher is best and much needed rn.

Gavin’s Avatar
Gavin Apr 13 307 views

How important is having a degree from a reputable university impact the future of your career in psychology ?

For example, would a Stanford graduate inevitably have a more influential career than me if I were to go to a state school?

Kai’s Avatar
Kai Apr 01 349 views

How much does your college experience impact your future career?

Is it important to be in a good college for a prestigious career.

Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler Mar 20 384 views

Is there a good career to go into if I enjoy gaming a lot?

I often spend my time on video games and would like to pursue that because it is something I would be happy doing.

April’s Avatar
April Mar 16 621 views

How do I start my journey into software engineering?

I recently graduated High School and I'm kind of lost at this point of time. While I work a retail job, I feel as if my 6+ years programming, writing scripts, learning the ins-and-outs of software, and learning how big software projects are developed & made, as well as making some larger...

Diego’s Avatar
Diego Mar 12 436 views

What is an author How do you become one? And why do we continue to produce physical books when ebooks are cheaper and more environment friendly??

What is an author? How do you become one? And why do we continue to produce physical books when ebooks are cheaper and more environment friendly?

Jaynie’s Avatar
Jaynie Feb 27 192 views

How may my Skills with responsibility, and speaking to others, help me with a career in nursing?

How may these Characteristics Help me with this career, in the future? Will i need to acknowledge more Characteristics to be a better nurse in the future? - As an 8th grade student looking for answerss.

mateo’s Avatar
mateo Feb 26 553 views

As 11th grader,I can't seem to figure out what career path?

As an 11th grader, I can't seem to figure out what career path to choose even after trying so hard?
I'm in 11th right now with medical stream as my father wants me to become a doctor but i don't think I want to become a doctor?

Aria’s Avatar
Aria Feb 10 581 views

How to have a successful career ?

Hi, I'm 15 years old grade 11th student. How can I choose a successful career for myself?

Zyaire’s Avatar
Zyaire Jan 18 799 views

What can I do now, like joining clubs or learning new skills, to help me in the future?

"As a ninth-grader, I'm trying to figure out what I might want to do in the future. I want to make smart choices about my future career, and any advice you have would be awesome!

Trevor’s Avatar
Trevor Jan 05 1022 views

As a high school student, how do I know if public administration is the right college major for me?

as a high school student, how do I know if public administration is the right college major for me? I'm a 16-year-old high school senior and I've been reading a lot about public administration. I have decided that I want to study management at university, but I am still not entirely sure of my...

Leane’s Avatar
Leane Jan 03 946 views

How do you choose which path to take after finishing your B.A.?

I'm currently in my senior year of a Bachelor's degree in Performing Arts (creative writing minor). I've always wanted to do lots of different jobs and I'm still not sure about what I want to do after graduating! I'm thinking of becoming a writer (screenwriter, poet, songwriter). Maybe I should...

Elyab’s Avatar
Elyab Dec 14, 2023 623 views

How do solidify my career choice?

I have been struggling with deciding what I should do after highschool, and I decided I'd follow engineering path mainly because it falls on the subjects I'm good at a. I'm just not sure if I should actually do it.

Harvey’s Avatar
Harvey Dec 08, 2023 614 views

How do you go about becoming an author full-time?

I am a high school graduate who wants to become a published author. I am going to college next fall for English and want to begin my career as a writer. How do I go about doing that?

Ava’s Avatar
Ava Dec 01, 2023 283 views

How long does college take for a traveling nurse ?

Is college supper expensive