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Natalie511 views

What steps should I take to earn my Bachelor's Degree?

I am currently a 9th grade freshman in Highschool taking college classes that will help me get college credits early on and more, and I was wondering ''What steps I should take to earn my Bachelor's Degree'' since this will also help me not only with the career I am working towards but also help me learn more, and of course, ''Look good on my record''.

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daniel521 views

is college recommended for constrution?

i am not sure what degree to get either

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Kristina528 views

what job in chemistry/physics can i look into if i enjoy doing equations the most?

i'm in year 10 and live in australia i like chemistry, physics and maths. i also like space a lot its pretty interesting. im also not a huge fan of biology. i enjoy doing equations the most rather than practicals, what job in chem/physics could i choose to look into that is more based on doing equations rather than pracs?

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Natalie712 views

Can I live off being a writer and or poet?

I am currently a freshman in high school and I was wondering this because I want to be prepared for what my future holds. Becoming a writer has always been my goal ever since I was younger.

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Maxwell465 views

What should be my major and certification pathway if I want to become a project manager?

I'm going to my freshman year of college next year and I don't really know what to study or how to begin project management.

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Nova522 views

How to know if cosmetology is right for me?

I want to be a cosmetologist so bad but I’m not sure if it the right thing for me and I don’t know much about it and I would like to learn more from people that have experience

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Tahjib397 views

Which software language is most versatile and also future proof?

I am studying CIS

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Mia342 views

what can i do to make money

what do i do

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Emery382 views

How What should I do as a sophomore to get into a good college as someone who doesn’t have the best GPA and doesn’t have lots of financial resources to help them ?

I would like to go into the medical field and become a doctor of some sort. My top choice is a pediatric surgeon or a children psychologist. I do lots of clubs and play sports.

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Raffi252 views

What are the first steps to becoming a video editor.?

I'm a 10th grader and am very interested in being a film/video editor, what are my first steps to becoming one?

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Lanasia645 views

What Other Jobs?

What other jobs could I land near future if I do not want to become a Police Officer, because I am majoring in Criminal Justice with a Psychology minor. I love Criminal Law and Psychology because it focuses on the mental state of our well being individually?

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Mike298 views

How do I select a career for myself?

How do I find out what career to go for

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Jasmine580 views

Should interior designers get some type of college degree before working If so what do you recommend for majors and/or colleges??

I'm in high school, and I'm not completely sure it I want to go to college or not.

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Emma272 views

What should I know before going into college for a vet technician ?

I'm in my sophomore year of high school. My favorite subjects in school are science and English. I volunteer at an animal rescue I go every Sunday 1:00 to 3:00. I love going there because it lets me give all the animals love and seeing them happy always makes me happy

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Jim489 views

How to achieve my career goals?

Good day, my name is Jim and I'm a college student my question is how can I achieve my career goals, and how to be a very successful game designer and to find m career pathway after school

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