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what technology company is best to work for?

i'm thinking of being an engineer when i grow up. #engineer #tech #technical #data-engineer #process-engineering #mobile-technology #platform-technology

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8 answers

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Linda’s Answer

I concur with the previous remarks.

The effect you're aiming for truly dictates your choice. Big tech firms like AWS, Google, Salesforce, and the like, tend to assign you a narrow scope within the business. This results in a limited exposure and restricts your learning to other tech sectors.

On the contrary, I decided to collaborate with smaller tech teams. This decision has given me a wide-ranging tech knowledge. Now, I can confidently discuss a variety of technology topics, ranging from cloud technology, machine learning pipeline, and GenAi, to marketing technology platforms.
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Ongda’s Answer

In my experience, it depends on what you value. If work/life balance is key, then joining a Fortune 500 company (excluding FAANG) would be ideal. If your value is to increase your technical competency, then joining a startup technology company is a very good choice. In a startup environment, you'll have the opportunity to develop systems and applications from the ground up. FAANG is also a good option because you'll gain exposure to cutting-edge technologies and industry best practices but you may be a cog in the machine and sacrifice the opportunity to build something from scratch. I hope this information is helpful to you, good luck!
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Peregrin’s Answer

All the advice in these other posts are great.

In my view, unless you are looking to be in technology for its own sake, so to develop new technologies and this even applies there, the real question is what sort of problems do you want to solve using technology. Do you want to make cutting edge gaming apps? Do you want to develop technology that will improve the climate? Do you want to improve data processing times?

You will have a fantastic career if you are doing something you love (engineering at this point) towards a goal that is meaningful to you. From that point, as noted above, finding a company that is good to work for our that shares your values is awesome, if they also happen to be one of the best companies to work for... even better. Start with the leaders in the type of work you want to work on and then see if you can find out what the ecosystem of companies that support and enhance those leaders might be, as that will open up a pool that is still core to your interests.
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Fady’s Answer

You can check
it lists all companies that are considered a best work place and filter by technology companies. But my advice is the best place for you to work in is where you are happy with work and feel appreciated by your co-workers

Thank you comment icon Thank you for your information. Sankardhayalan
Thank you comment icon thank you for this info. kyle
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James’s Answer

I agree with the comments above. A job that brings you joy and intrinsic motivation will provide an exceptional opportunity regardless of the technology area. One additional perspective - Generally speaking, when you are younger you have more opportunities to take jobs with risk (e.g., questionable long-term stability) because you often have fewer responsibilities. Explore more startup opportunities when you are young and learn from them.

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Ashish’s Answer

Technology is something that changes every day, so its difficult to say. However, some of the fortune 500 companies that keep innovating like Syamntec, Cisco, Oracle, etc to keep up with the pace of the changes in the world and how people use technology are the best ones to go for.

Thank you comment icon Thank you for the information :D Ryan
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Matt’s Answer

As others have said, technology continues to evolve, however it's best to try lots of different areas. I have in the past done gaming software, desktop publishing software and am now doing security software. I love the fact that working on software that helps society every day is very fulfilling. Even though my other jobs were interesting, they all offered different technologies and work environments.

When looking, consider big company, small company, startups, big city, not big city etc. These will all impact the types of technology as well as the job you will do.

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Felipe’s Answer

There is a lot of ways to find and answer for your question, but you have to ask you what would you like to do when working for a technilogy company? How do you imagine your life would be when working for a tech company? I think there is no one company better than other if you are thinking about the company and your job more than what is the biggest one, because at the end the best company to work for is the company tha will make you feel happy when you go to work everyday, so I suggest to think maybe in companies that are classified as a best place to work ( like great place to work certified companies), and look what type of things make that company a good place to work and check if you like that and if that matches your expectations for your life, and then chose a company to work for.
Hope this can help you