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How can I get started in transcription?

I would like to learn how to transcribe and/or do captioning. My native language is English.

Edit: I currently type 70-80WPM

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3 answers

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Raisa Anan’s Answer

Hi Atlas!

I am personally not connected to any transcription-related fields. However, I can suggest you ways regarding research for your interested career.

1) Firstly, note down how you want to start. If you don't know anything about transcription, then first look into free online resources such as articles, YouTube videos and forums. If you want to learn more, then maybe buy books and courses. If you want to be a professional in this career, then it's a good suggestion to look into certifications, diplomas and degrees.

2) One way to start studying: Creating a study plan -> Beginners level -> Intermediate level -> Advanced level

3) You'll probably want to see if any internships are available.

4) Also look for mentors who can guide you forward.

5) If you are into freelance, look for online transcription/captioning jobs.

Hope that helps :)

Thank you comment icon I will keep all of this in mind, thank you so much Raisa Anan! (Love the name by the way) Atlas
Thank you comment icon You are welcome, Atlas :) Raisa Anan Mustakin
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Jennifer’s Answer

Hi Atlas,

Early in my career I transcribed in a legal firm. It really helped that I was studying the law so had some background knowledge but also that I had a lot of experience typing. The faster and more efficiently you type, the more effective you can be at transcribing.
There are videos online that can help you learn how to position your hands on a keyboard so that you move your fingers efficiently which allows you to type more words per minute.
Practicing this skill will make it better, try transcribing when you are watching TV and listening to the radio or audio book.

Hope that helps!
Thank you comment icon Thank you so much Jennifer, I’ll definitely keep that in mind. I currently type 70-80wpm and still work on improving it. Atlas
Thank you comment icon You are very welcome! Jennifer Michael
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Valerie’s Answer

Hi Atlas,

I am a certified Medical Transcriptionist. I started in 1993. I went to school for 1 year to become certified. This career allows you to be able to work from home and own your own business. I also worked for the Government on a contract basis. I love to type, my parents bought me a typewriter at the age of 13. If you love typing you will do well in this career. You can also freelance and type resumes, pastor sermons, teacher notes and so much more. When I started you only had to type 45 wpm. The most important thing about transcribing is accuracy, speed will come. Wish you the best in your endeavors.

Hope this was informative

Thank you comment icon This was wonderful Valerie, thank you so much. Atlas