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What things should I look for in a career that are most likely to bring long term career satisfaction? #Spring23

I am a freshman in college who has many career interests. I am looking for advice of how to determine which careers will most likely bring me long-term satisfaction.

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Mona’s Answer

1)Self-Reflection: Start by reflecting on your personal interests, values, strengths, and skills. Consider what activities and subjects you enjoy, what motivates you, and what you excel at. Identifying your core values and matching them with potential career paths can lead to greater satisfaction in the long run.

2)Research: Begin researching various careers that resonate with your interests. Look into job descriptions, required qualifications, salary ranges, work environments, and growth prospects. Identify industries and professions that resonate with you and narrow down your options based on your findings.

3)Networking and Informational Interviews: Reach out to professionals working in fields that interest you. Seek informational interviews to get some insights into their experiences, daily tasks, and overall job satisfaction. Networking can also help you build connections, learn about different industries, and explore potential opportunities.

4)Internships and Volunteering: Consider participating in internships or volunteer work related to the careers you're considering. This hands-on experience can provide valuable insights into the day-to-day realities of specific roles and industries. It can help you evaluate whether the work environment and tasks align with your interests and bring you satisfaction.

5)Skill Development: As you narrow down your career options, focus on developing the skills and knowledge required in those fields. Take relevant courses, attend workshops, join clubs or organizations, or pursue certifications to enhance your skill set and make yourself more competitive in your chosen career paths.

6)Experimentation and Exploration: Don't be afraid to try out different opportunities and experiment with various fields. Take advantage of electives, part-time jobs, or projects that allow you to explore different areas of interest. This experimentation can provide valuable insights and help you make more informed decisions.

7)Consider Long-Term Prospects: While personal satisfaction is crucial, it's also important to consider the long-term prospects of a career. Research trends, job market demand, and potential growth opportunities in your chosen fields to ensure they have a stable future and offer room for advancement.

8)Seek Guidance: Talk to academic advisors, career counselors, or mentors who can provide guidance and support throughout your decision-making process. They can offer valuable advice and resources and help you evaluate your options more objectively.

Career decisions are not set in stone, and it's common for anyone to change their paths a few times throughout their lives. Stay open-minded, continue to learn and grow, and be willing to adapt your career choices as you get more experience and insights.
Thank you comment icon Thank you Mona! I really appreciate your response to my question. I am excited to put into practice the suggestions you gave. Rachel
Thank you comment icon You are very welcome, Rachel. I wish you lots of success in your journey. Mona Ahmadi
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Mustabsheera’s Answer

When searching for a career that is most likely to bring long-term satisfaction, there are several key factors to consider. Here are some important aspects to look for:

Personal Interest and Passion: Choose a career aligned with your interests and passions. When you genuinely enjoy the work you do, it's more likely to bring you satisfaction and fulfillment in the long run.

Growth and Learning Opportunities: Look for a career that offers room for growth, skill development, and continuous learning. A stagnant job with limited opportunities for advancement can lead to boredom and dissatisfaction.

Work-Life Balance: Consider the work-life balance that the career provides. Striking a healthy balance between work and personal life is crucial for long-term satisfaction and overall well-being.

Positive Work Environment: Assess the work culture, values, and dynamics of the organizations or industries you are interested in. A supportive and positive work environment with a sense of camaraderie can contribute significantly to career satisfaction.

Autonomy and Control: Some individuals find satisfaction in having control over their work and decision-making processes. If autonomy is important to you, consider careers that offer a degree of independence and flexibility.

Meaningful Impact: Seek out careers that allow you to make a meaningful impact on others' lives or contribute to a cause you care about. Having a sense of purpose and knowing that your work makes a difference can provide long-term satisfaction.

Alignment with Values: Reflect on your personal values and seek a career that aligns with them. When your work aligns with your core values, it can enhance job satisfaction and create a sense of fulfillment.

Financial Stability: While money should not be the sole motivator, financial stability is an essential aspect to consider. Make sure the career you choose provides a reasonable income that meets your financial needs and allows you to plan for the future.

Work-Related Skills and Strengths: Consider your natural skills, strengths, and aptitudes. A career that allows you to leverage and develop your unique abilities is more likely to bring satisfaction and success.

Long-Term Outlook: Research and analyze the long-term prospects and market demand for the career you are considering. Choosing a career with a positive outlook and future growth potential can provide a sense of security and stability.

Remember, career satisfaction is subjective and can vary from person to person. It's essential to introspect, explore different options, and seek experiences that allow you to assess your preferences and interests.
Thank you comment icon Thank you Mustabsheera for you help. I am grateful for your feedback! I loved your feedback about Autonomy and Control, that is something that is important to consider. Rachel
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Patrecia (Trish)’s Answer

Rachel, I've noticed you've already received several replies on this topic, but I couldn't resist sharing some uplifting advice as well. I haven't read the other comments yet, but I'll do so after posting this.

To be completely honest, it's nearly impossible for anyone to give you the ultimate solution for finding the perfect job or the most satisfying career. There's no such thing as a perfect job that can bring true satisfaction. As you go through different stages in your life, your preferences and desires will change, and so will your idea of a "dream job."

The key is to embrace flexibility and compromise. It's essential to recognize what you want in life at any given moment. You need to understand yourself, know what you can offer, learn, enhance, achieve, and contribute to an employer before expecting anything in return. Sure, anyone can demand a specific salary, vacation time, benefits, and so on, but how can that guarantee your satisfaction in your day-to-day work until you actually start doing it?

We shape our lives the way we want them to be, and this includes our careers. I wish I had realized this sooner; I've had some fantastic jobs that I genuinely enjoyed. I may not be in my dream job currently, but I'm meeting other needs and exploring new opportunities within my company to satisfy my desires. As I mentioned earlier, being flexible is crucial. Life is all about give and take.
Thank you comment icon Thank you Patrecia! Thank you for your open and honest answer! I loved your perspective on how my preferences and desires will change throughout my life. I love the advice of embracing flexibility and compromise! Rachel
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Abigail’s Answer

I think the most important first step in this process is asking yourself, "What am I passionate about?" sit down down and make a list of all your passions. You'll be surprised that sometimes a hobby can be turned into a career. Then, consider your skills. What kind of skills do you have? Start looking into careers that may involve skills that you all ready have.

You say your a freshman in college, which is a great place to be in when deciding on a career, because you still have a lot of options. I recommend to take some classes in majors that you find interesting with no prerequisites. By taking classes that are in majors that you find interesting will give you a feel of what to expect from that major if you choose to stay with that major.

As of long-term goals, try to ask yourself "Where do I see myself in five years?" and this question doesn't just apply to your career path. This should be about your own personal life goals. Are you go to decide to continue with your education? Such as a Bachelor's degree. Will you be married by then? These are some questions you can ask yourself. Questions like these will help you decide what kind of work-life balance you want in your life.

I hope this helps! Good luck!
Thank you comment icon Thank you Abigail! Thank you for the advice about taking classes in majors that interest me! I also loved your advice about long-term goals, it is important to consider my future career goals in my life goals as well. Rachel