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How I can prepare myself for an exam?

I'm having a hard time to organize myself and plan my day.
The final week is getting more stressful for me and I have problems to memorize the new information.
#exams #test #school-counseling #professor #higher-education #education-management #education #organization #organizational-development #student-counseling

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8 answers

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Amanda’s Answer

1. Write down everything that needs to be covered before the exam, even if you have a study guide.
2. Then, prioritize the topics, putting the ones you need the most work on, last.
3. Familiarize yourself with the topics you know well, make sure you understand all of the details, and any specifics that may be on the test.
4. Once you are totally confident in the topics you needed less time with, then move on to the areas/topics that you are most concerned about.
This will allow you to have guaranteed correct answers to depend on, providing you with the time and security of knowing you can take your time on the questions you are less sure of.

*when organizing your areas/topics, give yourself enough time to put effort into prioritizing.
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Arneel’s Answer

Great question! Your concern shows that you will not struggle for long with this issue! Your mindset is important and you seem to have a problem solving mindset. When preparing to learn new material, do make those connections to material that you have mastered already. Only focus on taking notes on unlearned material. Study by quizzing yourself or having someone else quiz you. Eliminate learned/mastered items from your studying. Chunk things together that are in similar timelines, or categories in the material. Chip away a little at a time.

There is a great tool call Livescribe Pen and notebook available on amazon. This allows you to take notes and record audibly at the same time. It connects to your device and when you view your notes later, you can touch the notes and the audio will playback as well. I have found it very useful in many situations. It can help jog your memory from the lessons you are being taught.

Best of luck to you! You will be fine!
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Devorah’s Answer

Hello Cristina G of Waterford Township!
To start being more organized and making a plan for your day, you should take time out to begin the night before. Before you go to sleep, in your mind's eye start thinking about what you should do to have a good positive day the next day. If you need to write down your goals and what you need to do, then do so! Some people are more organized when they write things down before bed and then look at their list the next morning. I suggest actual writing on a notepad, journal, etc. because when you write things down, you tend to remember them more. Also... if you are on technology late into the evening, try to change this habit. It's not good for your sleep; the blue light interferes with sleep.

I hope this helps you and best of luck!
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Rakesh’s Answer

Jump into previous years questions and try to find answers.. This will lead to confusion, frustration and success depending upon how fast you find an answer. However, stay positive and rework to find the answer. In this process you will learn many new things which are answers to other questions.
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Mary’s Answer

Review daily for 5 minutes so you won't have a tremendous amount in the last minute. Don't memorize use your skills to connect the information so you can retain it. Also, make a chart and organize your day with tasks you need to do and focus on it. It will keep you on track.
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Karen’s Answer

Hello, personal recommendations for preparing for an exam are:
*get plenty of rest the night before you take the exam
*drink calming tea to relieve anxiety that may be associated with exam taking
*prepare yourself with testing martials and content so that you are confident
*eat a healthy meal before the exam
*wear lose clothing so that you're not distracted with discomfort
*implement the process of elimination when in doubt
*induce all practices that will ensure that you are not faced with any hindering surprises; such as, but not limited to, confronting tactics that require critical and analytical thinking
Lastly, best wishes hereafter.
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Ivy’s Answer

Knowing that you need to stop and focus is the first step to prioritizing important situations. Now that you know... make a plan. It's simple. Take a day... take some hours... take a few minutes intermittently throughout the day and focus on what you need to know to find success. Record yourself and play it back while driving to work. While sitting at your desk or taking a nap or going to bed for the night or exercising... listen to you adamantly speaking to yourself with knowledgeable authority on the subject. Put sticky notes on the bathroom mirror, in the kitchen or throughout your home that reminds you of needed facts. Create songs. Make acronyms of facts. Word association is also good. I hope these ideas helped. More than anything remember to speak positive to yourself. You can do this. I wish you great success in all your tests.
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Karen’s Answer

Hello again Christina G,
Just a gentle reminder, do not rely on your memory. Make sure that you are content ready and enhance skills that the exam will compel--i.e. problem solution, critical thinking, analytical thinking, and area specific material.
Warmest regards,