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How do I become a Band teacher?

I want to become a band teacher it's been my dream ever since I picked up my instrument can anyone tell me how and what I have to do? I would really appreciate it. I'm in 8th grade and I would like to have a lot of time to know what to do and how to get it done.

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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Sofia !

What a wonderful interest you have and I would like to share some advice with you. You certainly have a lot of time to prepare for this and that is great as the more experience you have as a musician, the better things will be for you to realize your dream career !

I would say that you should study your music and various instruments throughout junior high and high school, every year till you graduate. Than you should go for a degree in Music in college. I would like to suggest getting a Masters Degree as it may be a bit competitive if you have a Bachelors Degree while others have a Masters. Your minor should be Education, if that is possible. You can look into into possibly going for a degree in Music Education if you don't want to major in Music. This is going to depend on which college you attend and what majors they offer. Once you have your college degree, you need to go for your teaching credential to be a teacher. While in junior and high school, participate in Band and hopefully your school will have a theatre program that may do a musical and you can be in the orchestra for that. That will be good experience to show that you have some ensemble experience in that format. Your teachers can advise you about any internships along the way and also any scholarships for college.

Once you have your teaching credential, you will apply for jobs at all schools that have a band. That will mean various school district's Board of Education Departments and any private schools you find out about. By the time you've graduated college, you will have both a good history of music on your resume as well as the necessary Education classes.

I hope this helps and I wish you all the best in school and along the paths that lead to your dream job !
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Kyle’s Answer

Hi Sofia - congratulations on knowing what you want to be when you grow up! For some of us, it takes much longer to figure that out.

I went to school for Music Education, so I'll share an overview with you here. As someone else answered, not every school has a "Music Education" program - some would require a Music degree (perhaps even a performance degree!) with Education being separate. For what it's worth, the Music Education curriculum was very important in setting me up for success...Education classes will teach you how to best deal with the classroom and young people, but MUSIC Education will talk about instrument and vocal techniques, help you learn the basics on instruments other than your own, and (hopefully) cover things like band boosters, trip planning, extracurricular activities, etc.

You should be prepared to maintain your own chops, too - taking (and maybe even teaching!) private lessons and playing in a wide range of ensembles in college all helped to better prepare me for my own career in teaching. On top of all of this, you'll likely need to complete Music Theory and Music History classes, at a minimum - the requirements will again vary per school.

Most Education programs end with a professional semester that is typically called "Student Teaching" - you'll be paired with an experienced teacher and immersed in a classroom to practice the skills you've learned in college. It's a lot, but also really fun!

In the US, you're also required to become certified. You'll have to take a test for Teacher Certification, which varies by state. It may have changed in the 20 years since I took my test, but it was mostly subject specific (i.e. Music History, Theory, pedagogy) with some psychology pieces for young kids mixed throughout.

Good luck! It's a fun and rewarding undergraduate program and a fulfilling (though often challenging!) career.