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How do I keep up with my hobbies having a full time job ?

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Maura’s Answer

Work/ Life Balance is critical! Find some time for recharging and relaxing is critical. My key to success is adding it to my calendar. Designating time to go to the gym, to read or to meet up with friends has ensure I don't cancel/forget or work late. Ensuring these activities are equally as important to your day as a work meeting will be ensures you will follow through on completing them!
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Katie’s Answer

Maintaining equilibrium in various aspects of your life is crucial, although it can be challenging to juggle work, family, and social commitments. Here's a plan you can follow:

1. Allocate specific time slots: Use your work calendar to schedule distinct blocks of time for different activities. This can help you manage your time effectively.

2. Communicate your interests: Share your hobbies and passions with your colleagues and superiors. This will help them understand and respect your personal time.

3. Set boundaries: Inform your team that you will not be available during certain hours, such as weekends or evenings, due to personal commitments. This can help establish a healthy work-life balance.

4. Prioritize self-care: Remember, it's essential to take out time for yourself. It's not just a luxury, but a necessity for your overall well-being.
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Mustabsheera’s Answer

Balancing hobbies with a full-time job can be challenging, but it's important for your well-being and overall life satisfaction. Here are some tips to help you manage your time and continue pursuing your hobbies:

Prioritize and Schedule:
Identify your most important hobbies and prioritize them. Schedule specific times during the week dedicated to these activities, just as you would schedule work meetings or appointments.

Time Management:
Be mindful of how you spend your time. Identify time-wasting activities and try to minimize them to create more time for your hobbies.

Set Realistic Goals:
Set achievable goals for your hobbies. Break larger projects into smaller, more manageable tasks. Realistic goals are more likely to fit into your schedule.

Weekend Commitment:
Use weekends to immerse yourself in your hobbies, especially if your weekdays are busy. This can be a great way to make significant progress or spend extended periods of time on activities you enjoy.

Create a Routine:
Establish a routine that includes dedicated time for your hobbies. Consistency helps make your hobbies a regular part of your schedule.

Limit Screen Time:
Be conscious of the time spent on activities like watching TV or browsing social media. Limiting screen time can free up additional hours for your hobbies.

Combine Activities:
Look for ways to combine your hobbies with other activities. For example, if you enjoy reading, consider audiobooks during your commute or lunch break.

Set Boundaries at Work:
Strive for a healthy work-life balance by setting boundaries at work. Avoid excessive overtime and learn to say no to additional tasks that could interfere with your personal time.

Delegate and Outsource:
If possible, delegate tasks at work or outsource household chores to create more time for your hobbies. Consider finding ways to share responsibilities with others.

Be Flexible:
Recognize that life can be unpredictable. Be flexible and open to adjusting your schedule as needed. It's okay to adapt your routine based on changes in your work or personal life.

Stay Organized:
Stay organized to make the most of your time. Knowing where your hobby materials are and having a clean, organized space can save time and make it easier to engage in your activities.

Learn to Say No:
Be selective about additional commitments outside of work and your hobbies. It's okay to decline invitations or requests that may interfere with your dedicated hobby time.

Remember that finding a balance may take some trial and error. It's essential to be realistic about the time you have available and make conscious choices about how you spend it. Taking care of your mental well-being through activities you enjoy is crucial, even with a busy work schedule.
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Rian’s Answer

Hi Zyreon,
It's really difficult to manage a full-time job with hobbies so don't feel like you're alone in this. One thing I would recommend is to create a planner with objectives for what you want to do for each day. This can help you stay organized and can help you book out time for your hobbies while also staying on top of your job.

Best of luck to you!
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Elle’s Answer

It's commendable that you're proactively considering how to balance your personal life while advancing your career. This crucial aspect is often neglected by many as they transition from school to professional life.

One valuable lesson I learned early in my career is that I perform best when I allocate time for personal activities. For instance, daily exercise is a priority for me. I ensure to reserve slots in my schedule for workouts either before or after work. Maintaining self-discipline is equally crucial. If a supervisor proposes a meeting during my workout slot, I suggest an alternate time if feasible. If the meeting is mandatory and cannot be rescheduled, I adjust my workout accordingly. However, most of the time, meetings can be rescheduled.

Effective communication is pivotal. By openly expressing your needs and setting reasonable work boundaries, you can effortlessly maintain a healthy work-life balance.
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Trevor’s Answer

I would say using your calendar to block out time to focus on these outside of your job.