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Is it possible to shadow a flight attendant as a high school student?

I'm currently a sophomore in high school. At my school, sophomores are encouraged to complete a job shadow for the career/job they're most interested in. I've always wanted to be a flight attendant, but I can't see how it would be possible to shadow one. Are there any job shadowing opportunities for students who want to be flight attendants? If not, are there any alternatives, like an internship or attending a training session?

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3 answers

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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Lucy !

As airports and in flight airlines have very stringent and precise safety and legal guidelines, and flight attendants work inside of a plane in flight, and space on a plane is prioritized for paying customers, you wouldn't be able to shadow a flight attendant. Also, you could be gone for a very long time depending on what flight they would say you could go on IF they allowed it, but they don't. Okay. So shadowing in a plane or in an airport is not possible.

My advice is that you will have to take action and contact Sinclair Community College in Dayton. I've left a link for their Flight Attendant information for you below. You may call them at (800) 315-3000. This opportunity will be something that you will have to find by lots of reading and exploring on line. You can inquire about an orientation tour of the school, a referral to any other school that may be closer to where you live and ask any questions you may have about the course of study for this career.

Another alternative is to observe and listen to videos of flight attendants speak about the profession. I have left a link for some videos of this for you. You should also do a search and read websites that can inform you of what you will need to do to be certified. There are just some fields of work that aren't able to be shadowed, so these suggestions may not be the same as in person shadowing, but can be a start until you begin flight attendant school. School is where you'll learn everything you need to know. For right now reading about it can give you a heads up and hopefully you can get an orientation at a flight attendant school.

I wish you all the best going forward !

Michelle recommends the following next steps:

Thank you comment icon I'm excited to put your great advice to good use! Lucy
Thank you comment icon I am glad to help. If you take a trip with your family for which you fly, you can also ask any questions of the flight attendants, too. Have an awesome day, Lucy ! Michelle M.
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Karin’s Answer

Hi Lucy,

You got very good advice from Michelle. I wanted to add, maybe you can shadow ground service at an airport? I know, it's not the same but you'd get a bit of airport "flair" and customer service.

Also, tons of YouTubes with titles "A day in the life of a flight attendant", e.g.

How to become a flight attendant:

Good luck!

Thank you comment icon Thanks so much!!! Lucy
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John’s Answer

I worked as a Station Manager for an airline and we had a high school student intern for part of one year. This was before all of the security concerns that arose out of TWA flight 800 and the September 11 attacks, but it was still tricky. We were fortunate that the airport authority was supportive and issued a security credential to the student so she could have access to all of our facilities.

I think it may have been difficult for the student because what we did was kind of complex and fast paced, so she stood around watching us a lot. She was introduced to lots of pilots and flight attendants and she got to know a couple of my employees pretty well. I talked with her every day and I think she enjoyed it and benefitted.

I was a big believer in allowing students to do something like this if they were interested, my own interest in airlines could be traced back to a friendly airline employee who took me behind the scenes at a large airport and gave me a tour.

I know many flight attendants. They are some of the friendliest most outgoing people I know, and they are very proud of what they do. I am sure most would be very happy to share with a student in some way, even if it was just meeting and discussing the airline business. As the other responders have already said, it can be difficult to connect with the right people because the airlines set up their communications to talk to their customers not curious high school students. But there may be a way.

Do you live near an airport? Perhaps you could go to the airport and ask to speak to a supervisor or manager and then tell that person that you are interested in the airline business and could they help you learn. If that works, and you are allowed into the ground operation, you will get to see and meet flight attendants as they pass through the airport, which could lead to other opportunities.

Some airlines have internship programs. These are intended for college students, but they may be good contacts for a high school sophmore with your interest. Here is the website for the Southwest Airlines intern program :

Google searches for "intern programs" at other airlines may return similar results.

Best of luck!