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Cómo puedo empezar con cualquier carrera ¿Cuál podría ser el enfoque? ¿Cuáles son los pasos iniciales para que un estudiante comience a comprender cómo comenzar con la elección de una carrera.?

How can I get started with any career? What could be the approach? What are the initial steps for a student to begin to understand how to get started with choosing a career?

How can I get started with any career? What could be the approach?
What are the initial steps for a student to begin to understand how to get started with choosing a career.

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Subject: Career question for you


10 answers

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Ryan’s Answer

Getting started with any career can be an exciting but sometimes overwhelming process. Here are some initial steps for a student to begin understanding how to choose a career:

- Self-reflection: Start by reflecting on your interests, values, strengths, and skills. Consider what subjects or activities you enjoy, what motivates you, and what you excel at. This self-awareness will help you align your career choices with your personal preferences and strengths.
- Research: Explore different career options that align with your interests. Look into various industries, job roles, and educational requirements. Use online resources like career websites, industry-specific forums, and professional networking platforms to gather information about different career paths.
- Seek guidance: Reach out to career counselors, teachers, mentors, or professionals in fields you are interested in. They can provide valuable insights, advice, and guidance based on their own experiences. They may also be able to connect you with internships, job shadowing opportunities, or informational interviews.
- Gain experience: Seek out opportunities to gain practical experience in your areas of interest. This can include internships, part-time jobs, volunteering, or even personal projects. Practical experience will not only help you develop relevant skills but also give you a better understanding of what a particular career entails.
- Explore educational options: Research educational programs, courses, or degrees that can help you acquire the necessary knowledge and skills for your chosen career. Look into universities, colleges, vocational schools, or online learning platforms that offer programs in your field of interest.
- Networking: Build a professional network by attending industry events, joining relevant clubs or organizations, and connecting with professionals on platforms like LinkedIn. Networking can provide you with valuable connections, mentorship opportunities, and insights into the industry.
- Set goals and create a plan: Once you have gathered information and explored different options, set specific career goals and create a plan to achieve them. Break down your goals into smaller, actionable steps and set timelines for each milestone.

Remember, choosing a career is a journey, and it's okay to explore different paths and make adjustments along the way. It's important to stay open-minded, be adaptable, and continue learning and growing throughout your career.
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Yoryi.

How to Get Started with Choosing a Career:

Choosing a career is a significant decision that can shape your future. Here are some initial steps for students to begin understanding how to get started with choosing a career:

1. Self-Assessment: Before diving into the vast pool of career options, it’s essential to understand yourself better. Take some time for self-assessment to identify your interests, values, skills, and personality traits. This introspection will help you align your career choice with who you are and what you enjoy.

2. Research Different Career Paths: Explore various career options that align with your self-assessment results. Research different industries, job roles, and potential career paths within those fields. Consider factors like job outlook, salary potential, required education or training, and work-life balance.

3. Seek Guidance: Reach out to career counselors, mentors, teachers, or professionals in fields of interest for guidance. They can provide valuable insights, advice, and information about different careers. Networking with professionals can also help you gain a better understanding of specific industries.

4. Gain Experience: Internships, part-time jobs, volunteering opportunities, or shadowing experiences can give you hands-on exposure to different careers. Practical experience can help you test your interests and skills in real-world settings and narrow down your options.

5. Education and Skill Development: Based on your research and self-assessment, choose an educational path that aligns with your desired career. Whether it’s pursuing a degree, certification programs, or acquiring specific skills through workshops or online courses, continuous learning is crucial for career development.

6. Set Goals and Make a Plan: Establish short-term and long-term goals related to your career aspirations. Create a plan outlining the steps you need to take to achieve those goals. Setting milestones and tracking your progress can keep you focused and motivated on your chosen career path.

7. Adaptability and Flexibility: Keep in mind that career paths may not always be linear, and it’s okay to pivot or explore new opportunities along the way. Stay open to learning new things, adapting to changes in the job market, and being flexible in your career journey.

By following these initial steps and staying proactive in exploring different options, gaining experience, seeking guidance, and setting clear goals, students can begin their journey towards choosing a fulfilling and rewarding career path.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used in Answering this Question:

Harvard Business Review: Harvard Business Review is a well-known publication that offers insights on business trends, leadership strategies, career development advice, and industry analysis from experts in various fields.

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS): The BLS provides comprehensive data on employment statistics, occupational outlooks, wage information by industry sector which can be valuable resources for understanding different careers.

The Balance Careers: The Balance Careers is a reputable source offering articles on various aspects of careers including job searching tips, resume writing advice, industry insights which can be beneficial for individuals exploring different career paths.

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James’s Answer

Ensure you grasp the essence of your chosen career and its requirements. Dedicate time to explore the field, comprehending its intricacies thoroughly. If feasible, engage with various companies or professionals in that field to enrich your experience from diverse perspectives. Embrace change and be receptive to the aspects of the career that you may find appealing or unappealing, as these insights can contribute to your growth. Remember, it's common for individuals to switch careers or companies, each offering unique experiences. Never hesitate to ask questions, and always remember that continuous learning and evolution are integral parts of any career journey.
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Rob’s Answer

What a great question. First know you have time and will likely see your career evolve or even change. I remember when I was in school the statement made in business classes was that the average person will change "careers" 3 to 5 times. I believe this is true, however, I also believe you can find your one true career field on the first try.

What interests you?
What things do you do that quickens time; where time goes by and you don't even realize how much time has passed?
What subjects in school make you sit up, lean forward, and you can feel your heart quicken a little?
What motivates you?
LOOK for careers with THESE kinds of things in them.

What tasks, chores, or things you have to do make you procrastinate? Make you slower to get out of bed or not want to get out of bed at all?
What things do you do that slow time down in a bad way?
AVOID careers with THESE kinds of tasks.

Think about these questions. Write down your answers. Even if they aren't job or career things. They help you know about you. When you look at them, what are attributes and what are "skills" or something you can apply to tasks or "work?" Finding those things that quicken time for you will open up possibilities.

Passion and purpose is what you are looking to figure out and how to use them in a career. For example, writing causes a friend to lose all sense of time. She also loves mentoring teens. Her passion, writing, her purpose, and mentoring teens gave her the things she needed/wanted to look for in a career, She found a non-profit where she can unite her passion and purpose through helping underprivileged and at-risk teens dress for success, prepare for interviews, and apply for jobs. She writes copy for the website, marketing materials, and training manuals. She also gets to help teens by teaching them to write resumes, apply for jobs, prepare for interviews, and more. She has even helped teens she mentored write letters for college applications. She has tapped into purpose by working with a non-profit focused on teens, and uses her passion, writing, to help those kids. Do you see what I mean?

A career is work, and work has its ups and downs. Some days are more trying and difficult than others, and some days just suck. On the flip side, most days are ok to pretty good, and some days are just amazing. There will always be some bad with the good, but if you choose wisely, most days can be pretty good days. Do you think my friend, who is applying her passion and tapping into her purpose, has more pretty good and amazing days than ok days? She has told me work is not work because she loves what she is doing.

Don't worry, you got the is. Take your time and keep the pressure low, there is a lot of life ahead of you, use school and mentor programs to help you figure it out. When you have questions, come back here and ask them. We have your back.

I hope this helps.
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Marcus’s Answer

Hello Yoryi,

I can't stress enough the importance of beginning with a personality test. It's a fantastic tool to discover your passions and align them with potential career paths.

Here are a few websites where you can take these tests for free:
Ikigai -
16 Personalities Test -

Ikigai is not just a test, it's a unique perspective, a lens through which you can see the world and locate your special spot in it.

Embark on these tests, and you'll be off to a great start in your journey of self-discovery.

Warm regards,
Marcus Fig
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Samuel’s Answer

The first step to figuring out choosing a career is ensuring two things

Sustainability and Passion

Would the career I will be joining be a career that is sustainable and will be available for years to come to ensure no disruptions due to things outside of your control

Are you passionate about the career you want to pursue? Passion is a big element in dictating your success in that career. When I was younger, I wanted to be a programmer, and I was passionate about coding and tech, but then I discovered tech sales, and it married elements of my passion for tech and my passion for communicating and helping people, which I've now been in for a decade. I came from an Environmental Biology Degree, so never let your degree dictate your path.

To get started on finding job opportunities there are a plethora of resources from LinkedIn to Indeed, but in this competitive market it is important to stand out

Be Different - Maybe reach out to the hiring manager directly understanding their needs and why they need to fill the role.

Think outside the box - I remember for my first sales interview I asked the receptionist the day before on how my hiring manager takes his coffee and came into the interview with the coffee he likes which caught him by surprise

Its ok to get rejected - Never let one rejection dictate your path. It sometimes takes 100s of rejections to get that acceptance.

Embrace AI - Feel free to use AI to help you craft your cover letters and other documents to ensure your search is productive

Being up to date - Make sure you are proactively updating yourself on day to day skills like Excel skills, Word Documentation, and learn tools your career would use before entering that career
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Rebecca’s Answer

Thank you for your question. Many students have similar question. Firstly, you need to find out what careers you have interest.
Below are my suggestions :
1. Think about what you have interest, e.g. your hobbies, favorite subjects, etc. and determine what you have interest
E.g. If you have interest in maths, would you like to be an engineer, accountant, banker, financial analyst, maths teacher, etc.
If you like music, would you like to be a musician, singer, musical artist, music composer, music producer, etc.
2. Find out more on these careers and determine what you have interest
3. Speak to someone who are working in these careers. Seek guidance from your mentor, school career counsellor, your parents, etc.
4. Shortlist 1-2 careers you would like to pursue
5. Explore the entry criteria of relevant subjects in colleges
Hope this helps! Good Luck!
May Almighty God bless you!
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Christopher’s Answer

Hello Yoryi,

Count yourself lucky to have access to professionals from all walks of life offering fantastic advice tailored to different approaches.

Ensure to read through all the responses – some focus on passions, others on skills, and some even offer resources like free assessments and internships! It's all there to help you create your perfect career roadmap. There's no single path, but exploring your options and asking questions is key. Let your curiosity be your guide, and you'll find a career that excites you!

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Michaela’s Answer

Getting started with any career involves several key steps to help you explore your interests, gain relevant experience, and make informed decisions about your future. Here's an approach and initial steps for students to begin understanding how to choose a career:

1. **Self-Assessment**: Start by conducting a self-assessment to identify your interests, values, skills, and strengths. Reflect on activities, subjects, and experiences that you enjoy and excel in. Consider your personality traits, values, and long-term goals to gain insight into potential career paths that align with your preferences and aspirations.

2. **Research Career Options**: Explore different career options and industries to learn about job opportunities, growth prospects, and required qualifications. Use online resources, career assessment tools, and informational interviews to gather information about various career paths and determine which ones resonate with you.

3. **Gain Exposure and Experience**: Seek out opportunities to gain exposure and experience in fields that interest you. Participate in internships, part-time jobs, volunteer work, or extracurricular activities related to your career interests. Hands-on experience can help you test out different career paths, build skills, and make informed decisions about your future.

4. **Networking and Mentorship**: Connect with professionals, mentors, alumni, and industry contacts to learn about career opportunities and gather advice. Attend career fairs, networking events, and informational sessions to expand your network and gain insights into different industries and roles. Establishing relationships with mentors can provide valuable guidance and support as you navigate your career journey.

5. **Educational Planning**: Plan your education and coursework to align with your career goals and interests. Explore degree programs, majors, minors, and elective courses that will help you develop relevant skills and knowledge for your desired career path. Consider factors such as academic requirements, specialization options, and opportunities for hands-on learning.

6. **Professional Development**: Invest in professional development opportunities to enhance your skills, credentials, and marketability. Take advantage of workshops, seminars, conferences, and online courses to develop skills in areas such as communication, leadership, technology, and industry-specific knowledge. Pursue certifications or credentials that are valued in your desired field.

7. **Set Goals and Take Action**: Set clear, achievable goals for your career and create a plan to achieve them. Break down your goals into smaller, actionable steps and set deadlines for completing them. Take proactive steps to explore career options, gain experience, and build skills that will help you reach your career objectives.

8. **Seek Guidance and Support**: Seek guidance and support from career counselors, advisors, faculty members, and professionals in your field of interest. They can provide valuable insights, advice, and resources to help you navigate your career path and overcome challenges along the way.

By following these initial steps and taking a proactive approach to exploring career options, gaining experience, and building skills, you can begin to understand how to choose a career that aligns with your interests, values, and aspirations. Remember that choosing a career is a journey that may involve exploration, experimentation, and self-discovery, so be patient and open-minded as you explore your options and pursue your goals.
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Joanna Rose’s Answer

Hello Yoryi,

To get started with any career, begin by assessing your interests, strengths, and values through self-reflection or using career assessment tools available online or through career counseling services. Research various industries and roles to understand what aligns with your skills and passions and consider informational interviews with professionals in those fields to gain firsthand insights and advice. Education is foundational, so identify any necessary qualifications or certifications and consider relevant academic or vocational training. As a student, start building a professional network through internships, volunteer work, and campus activities, which can provide practical experience and connections that are invaluable when starting a career.