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how can i be succesful in class?

by hardworking

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Subject: Career question for you


2 answers

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Genevieve’s Answer

Hello Juliet,

One of the best ways to be successful in your learning is to truly listen to what is being taught. Many times, I have gotten caught up with note taking that I was not truly listening to the teacher. Learning how to take notes that contained fewer words but more key items is something that I have found to be more beneficial. Find time to read the chapters or documents prior to the class, it will be very helpful in allowing you to ask questions to things that did not make sense while you were reading. While your friends may want to be more social and involved with the gatherings around the school, you should put your education first. Spend as much time as you need to prepare for the tests and complete the readings prior to socializing. Make sure you get enough rest and eat healthy. This will help you in absorbing all the information/teachings and in your memorization needed for tests.

And no matter what, do not give up. Believe in yourself, you can do it! Your education will take you as far are you are willing to go. I wish you the very best, Juliet! (I love your name!)
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Julia’s Answer

Hi, Juliet.

Here are a few things to try so you'll be successful in class:

Manage your time - how much time do you have to do school work each week when your other activities aren't in the way? Take a look at your schedule weekly and make sure you know when your pockets of free time are for school work and study, then make a plan - when will you work? where will you work? For how long? Choose "hard" days in advance so you can psych yourself up for them!

Take notes - Try to take the best notes possible. Try to record sample problems and answers when possible. Compare notes with a classmate.

Practice - Take practice exams or do practice problems whenever you can. Be sure you leave a lot of practice time - start studying 5-7 days before a test if you can so you can practice a lot.

Ask - Don't be afraid of asking your teacher to help you understand something. Or a classmate!