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ashton691 views

how to choose a good career in collge?

career tips

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Jason240 views

How does it feel working from 9 to 5?

asking questions

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Nabeel294 views

What can I do in college to prepare myself for when I get a job?

I feel like I need some tips or some advice on how I can be prepared

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Isaiah480 views

Aside from the high pay, what is the appeal of Computer Science?

I am a college student at Hofstra University. I'm a Computer Science major and am currently a college sophomore.

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george345 views

how useful are computer skills?

how is the knowledge

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Roe362 views

How do I know what career to pursue?

I know pretty much what I like and dislike- but struggle to find something that fit me. I love painting- yet I don't really want to be an artist for living. I crave for academia life, and so everybody around me push me to be an architect. But I am not really sure if it's for me. The thing is, I am not sure about anything- the one thing I know is that I want a big demending career that allows me to reach the best of my abilities. (like anyone I guess..)

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Paymahn317 views

I'm interested in coding and computers but I have not been informed about what jobs include these attributes?

I want to learn more about what jobs would be good fits for me and my style of work. I would like to know more about what kinds of opportunities would be a good fit for me. A job that includes coding and computers would be a nice fit for my style of working but I don't know which exact jobs include coding and computers.

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ruby347 views

how can i be able to manage my finances?

finance tips

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Julie292 views

How do I know if the medical/medicine field is right for me and how do I prepare for a good college during high school?

In my opinion, I believe that a field in medicine/medical is right for me, but I'm not completely sure so I want advice on deciding!

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Summer371 views

How could I possibly shadow or contribute to my mentoring?

I have found a mentor that is a professor and a social worker with her own practice. When we first met we discussed things I could do, such as research and just asking questions in general, one of her suggestions was to shadow, but we were both concerned about the ethical dilemmas that would form as I am a highschool student although I do dual psychology classes at college which technically made me a college student. Many college students shadow professionals in the mental health field because they are studying that field, would this make it more acceptable if I were to shadow my mentor while obviously following HIPAA laws, ethical concerns, and getting the patients okay.

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Korbin384 views

What are ways to make the most money in your profession?

What are ways to make the most money in your profession? "honest answers only."

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Audrey219 views

Do you have to graduate college to get a good job?

Is it really true though?

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Ludie530 views

I am a high schooler interested in math, business, design, and computer science. I am seeking advice because I do not want to go into a career path that I will regret or get bored of.?

I am a high schooler interested in math, business, design, and computer science. I am seeking advice because I do not want to go into a career path that I will regret or get bored of.

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Grant359 views

How can get job as a data analyst as an undergraduate?

I have degree in computer science and data science certification and I want to build a career in data science ,

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dennis608 views

what is the best financial management?

finance tips

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