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Natalie15 views

Where can I find feedback on my Novels and other forms of creative writing?

I want to know this so that I can improve my writing skills, so that I can become a Novelist and Poet.

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Natalie60 views

''How do I start my career as a Novelist and Poet''?

I'm in 9th Grade. I'm asking this because my goal is to become a Novelist. I've already written drafts of course, but I don't know where to start. So when I heard of this, I was hoping someone would be able to answer my question.

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Paulina60 views

what do I need to do to prepare for office administration or Certified Nursing assistant?

I'm asking this because I'm 100% sure what to expect because reading about these trades on the internet isn't the same as what happens in person?

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Paulina73 views

Does the office administration prepare someone for a career in business administration ?

I'm asking this because my dream career is in the business administration setting and I'm if a career with an office administration certificate is a good place to start.

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Julianna64 views

Where to find motivation and zest for learning?

Over the past month, my motivation has totally disappeared. It just hit me out of nowhere and I have no idea why. When I try to study, I don't even want to open my books. I just feel completely drained of energy. How to overcome this learning block?

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Railynn45 views

How do I start a business ?

How do I start a business ? and how do I save to start it , I want to be a cosmetologist.

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eli106 views

What can i expect?

im in jobcorps right now and ill be going into maa. then doing cma, then going home for emt training before finally getting paramedic training. what can i expect?

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Jeter60 views

How much schooling do I need to become a master plumber?

I am just trying to figure out if I want to become a master plumber.

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Raffi92 views

What is the expected salary doing Fashion Design?

What is the expected salary doing Fashion Design?

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Raffi82 views

What kind of education would I need to begin in fashion design?

What kind of education would I need to begin in fashion design?

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Jeter55 views

where should I live to make the most money as a plumber ?

I'm a high school student in Vermont.

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Raffi80 views

What are the first steps to becoming a video editor.?

I'm a 10th grader and am very interested in being a film/video editor, what are my first steps to becoming one?

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Louis125 views

Where would I want to live to make the most money as an electrician?

Where would I want to live to make the most money as an electrician?

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Delia39 views

What career I need take on college for be a neurosurgeon

What career I need take after high school for go college?

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Marissa257 views

How can I get myself prepared for mcmap ?

I am in 8th grade and have always wanted to join the military till a while ago I heard about mcmap I am thinking once I finish high school I want to join but I want to know how to get myself prepared.

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