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susan15 views

how can i do good in school?

in my examas

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chizaram1123 views

What can I do with a bachelors of biomedical sciences major?

Hi, I am a current high school student who would love to major in biomedical sciences next year in college. I wish to work with children, as a pediatrician or something of that field. However, I don’t want to do lab-based work with my degree before attending medical school. I’m still also unsure if I even want to do medicine. #medicine #biology #doctor #biology #biology #doctor #college #healthcare

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Jos6 views

How can I be a successful cyber security personnel?

How can I be a successful cyber security personnel

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Muhammed1027 views

What is the best route of becoming an AI Engineer?

I am a 17 year old boy, a self taught programmer in python, C++ and C# and a 3d artist with professional certificate. I want to show this world a better and ease future with the aid of AI technology and virtual reality. I am looking for a guide to help me enroll in an AI course as a degree. thank you have a wonderful day😊

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CareerVillage Office Hours385 views

Should we use AI to help write resumes/prep for interviews?

This question was asked by a learner during our Internships 101 webinar

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Ivaldelomar3659 views

I want to major in Biology but meanwhile where should apply for volunteer work or a job that is relevant to my major?

I want to be a an epidemiologist but first I have to major in Biology. Meanwhile, i want to start doing volunteer work, apply for internships and jobs but I don't know where to start looking. #biology

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Blas167 views

How do I keep being motivated and more productive throughout college?

I'm an up and coming College freshman and I'm wondering how to keep up with my work, keep up with schoolwork and college.

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Joseph108 views

What is biology?

What is biology

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sitya17 views

when is the right age to marry?

is it after school

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Letícia148 views

how is the market for surface designers?

I'm interested in the ​​surface design area but I'm not sure if there are enough opportunities in this area.

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Gracie75 views

What is organic chemistry ?

I want to know more About organic chemistry and how to prepare some of the organic compound with their structural formulas included. Thanks very much for your time

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Kristin110 views

What should my major be Lawyer, pharmacist, producer.?

I pretty much have 3 options I've narrowed it down to. Lawyer, pharmacist, music producer. Lawyer because I like to argue & I'm pretty good with backing up my reasons + they make a good amount of money, but it is possible it won't work out because I can't find a good law firm to work for. Pharmacists because they make a good amount of money no matter where you work. Music producer because I love music and making music (specifically beats for rap & I love rap/hip-hop in general) & I'd love to learn more about music theory, but I'm a female and if you aren't successful, I might lose a lot of money. In the end is it up to me and my desires or should I focus on the success rate & money?

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jenny205 views

What advice do you have for someone in their sophomore year of college, who is still confused about what they want to do in the future

What advice do you have for someone in their sophomore year of college, who is still confused about what they want to do in the future

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arley205 views

How can I focus more on what I need to do, and control everything for my path so I can become a professional soccer player?

I am 14 and I play soccer

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paul364 views

who is the best designer?

designer tips

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