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undefined's avatar
Nataza306 views

how do I make a game?

how do I start on my game

undefined's avatar
Austin166 views

how long is the process of getting done with welding?

i am in the process of waiting for opening but I wanted to know how long would it take for me to finsh the class for it?

undefined's avatar
nicolette114 views

what specific degrees could help me advance in the medical administration career?

other than an associate's degree, what is the best type of degree for medical administration that I can get that would help me advance in that career? this is a career that I am interested in and I plan on advancing in it as much as I can.

undefined's avatar
Joshua80 views

What does a typical day look like for you?

electricians, what does your typical day look like for you?

undefined's avatar
Joshua48 views

How long have you worked in that trade?

experienced electricians how long have you been working for?

undefined's avatar
Haylee54 views

What are some technological tools I should be familiar with the Medical Administration Assistant job?

I am currently in Job Corps getting ready to chose my career. I want to stay in the medical field as my future job, however, I don't feel that CMA is right for me. I like office work, such as paperwork, organizing, etc.. I am still researching what jobs I want to do and I am interested in learning more about MAA as a profession.

undefined's avatar
Haylee58 views

What does a day in a life look like for a Medical Administration Assistant look like? What should I expect?

I am currently in Job Corps getting ready to chose my career. I want to stay in the medical field as my future job, however, I don't feel that CMA is right for me. I like office work, such as paperwork, organizing, etc.. I am still researching what jobs I want to do and I am interested in learning more about MAA as a profession.

undefined's avatar
Bruno58 views

Why did you like Robert Lewandowski?

i like Robert Lewandowski because he is my mentor and a great professional footballer

undefined's avatar

what is your experience as medical admin?

I am currently trying to be a medic al admin myself, so I am interested in the experience of it!!

undefined's avatar
David1 view

How can I become a police officer.?

Hi I’m in 7 grade I want to become a police officer why be use my grampa used to be a police officer and I want to follow his step. How can I become a police officer.

undefined's avatar
Daito3 views

How could I become a professional soccer player?

I love playing soccer and it’s my dream to be a professional soccer player. I wish I could meet a professional soccer player.

undefined's avatar
Daito3 views

How do I become a professional soccer player?

What kind of skills do you need to be a professional soccer player. How does people starting to be a professional soccer player and what do they do.

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reihanne41 views

Can you introduce me a good topic to present?

I have a strict teacher and I want the subject to be practical, not to present something that I have only done. My previous topic was global warming and he gave me full marks, but now I can't think of anything