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undefined's avatar

Why do most college students feel singled out?

Most college students feel singled out because they either feel lost or out of place amongst other students around campus or even in the classroom. One tip that can help is making friends around campus or even joining a club to feel apart of something in order to connect with others around you. It may seem difficult at first but can always start small by making a simple introduction anywhere with someone that looks friendly.

undefined's avatar
Grace14 views

What is the relevance of ecology in biology ?

What is the relevance of ecology in biology

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charidi16 views

what do I need to be prepared for?

id like to go to cosmetology but I dont know what I need to be prepared for, I have anxiety so that doesn't really help, should I prepare for loud noise, weird smells, burning smells?

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Christina622 views



undefined's avatar
Bryan304 views

Looking to interview a Veterinarian for a college assignment?

Are there any Vets out there that can assist me in answering these questions? 1. Can you share a little bit about your background, education, and what led you to pursue a career in Veterinary Medicine? 2. Could you provide an overview of the typical responsibilities of a Veterinarian? 3. What does your work-life balance look like? 4. What are some of the most challenging experiences you've encountered throughout your career, and how did you approach them? 5. What do you believe are the biggest misconceptions people have about Veterinary Medicine? 6. How do you see the field of Veterinary Medicine evolving in the future? 7. As an aspiring Veterinarian, what advice would you offer for navigating Veterinary school and preparing for a career in the field? 8. What traits, if any, do you believe make for a successful Veterinarian?