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Arianna306 views

How do I get my focus back on track?

I want to continue my career and education in nursing and want to be able to focus thoroughly while doing it. Trying to focus on school has become hard for me due to personal issues that I'm trying to overcome. Any tips will be taken into consideration.

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Genevieve1579 views

Best minor to pair with a HR manager degree?

Would an accounting minor be a good choice, or would business administration more advisable?

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Faith11891 views

Can anyone recommend a remote entry level job that does not have calling?

I live in a very loud house, I would prefer not to be calling customers, I think I could do conference calls with my coworkers but not customers. I have been looking and everything I find seems like a scam… linking to sketchy sites which want me to pay money to get a “certificate” or just straight up tries to get me to sign up for another job searching site that doesn’t have the job I was looking for in the first place. Or it’s just a survey site! I have been looking for clerical or data entry. I enjoy organization and feel like those type of jobs would suit me better than sales. I am looking for something where I can start with no experience as well. I am 18 with a year of experience working in person. I don’t plan on going back to school to get a degree. I have a high school diploma. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you

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Oliver439 views

How can I get started with molecular biology?

How can I get started with molecular biology? I love molecule so much. So why do you like molecules? Bc biology is literally the best thing ever. Do you agree?

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Godspower333 views

What are some common software development issues? And some trouble shooting tips.

I love software development and wnt o be a software engineer when I finish college, I'm currently in grade 11 and will be finishing in a couple of months

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bella394 views


How can I become an itern at google i would love it there

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Grant402 views

How can get job as a data analyst as an undergraduate?

I have degree in computer science and data science certification and I want to build a career in data science ,

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DECEY286 views

How can I become professional ?

In life you keep pushing until you get there

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Alexander498 views

What am I supposed to consider on starting a technological project?

Any technological project

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Jared3459 views

What is the entry-level salary at a consulting company?

I'm interested in getting benchmarks on salaries for university graduates in the United States who are going to work at major consulting companies. Is there a big range? Are there any good recent studies? #consulting #compensation

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Audrey240 views

Do you have to graduate college to get a good job?

Is it really true though?

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Rihanna328 views

What is the worst thing about Financial Accounting ?

I’m in the 9th grade.

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Evelyn365 views

Qualifications of being an architect ?

What best colleges can i apply for a course in accounting

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Nancy314 views

What are the qualifications of pursuing accounting ?

What grade do i need yo pursue a course in counseling

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Marcelo485 views

What type of high school classes help you become an accountant?

I'm a 16 year old student trying to find classes to help me in the future.

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