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Charles8473 views

What majors should I look into if I am interested in working with building and designing cars?

I am a junior and, ever since I was a little kid, I have always had an interest in cars. Not only in looking at them and observing the differences, but also customizing and building them so that they are my own. I wanted to know what majors would be best to look in. #design

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ritika446 views

how can i start up?

how can i start up

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Adarsh471 views

What are good internships and research opportunities for high school students currently open?

Hello, my name is Adarsh, a junior in high school student in Bellevue, Washington. I am a very motivated and hardworking high school student who has multiple years of experience in programming with various languages like java, python etc. I believe to be a valuable asset for any company and am trying to expand my knowledge in my passion. Any suggestions/help towards this goal is appreciated

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