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Gabby179 views

How do I decide whether I wish to pursue a career in Medics, Psychology, or other branches of STEM?

I am an eighth grader that is about to enter a job-preparation program. I've always loved science, especially this year now that I'm taking a regents-level biology class. However, I've always found myself questioning the way that people think, and trying to make a "map" of their brains inside my head as they spoke, or described their thought processes to me. I'm also very into helping those in need, and doctor shows (no matter how inaccurate) have also sparked my attention. I am very confused and need help.

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Hunter275 views

I'm going into Job Corps to pursue a trade in Heavy Equipment Mechanics but I'm not sure entirely sure what to expect on how to transition to working on cars.

I'm wanting to learn how to work with Gas/Diesel and Electric (since that's the future). What Steps should I take or classes I should take to learn all this and what does that all look like?

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Melissa224 views


What does it take to have success in the professional world.

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undefined's avatar

How to become a Business Analyst?

Share your journey & guide aspiring Business Analysts on their path! Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

undefined's avatar

How to become a Cloud Engineer?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become a Cloud Engineer? Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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barrin99 views

what are the main traits companies look for?

Are there certain traits companies seek for in employees

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Francis239 views

what is a good way to stay concentrated in school?

I am bad at concentrating and I tend to doze off in class without meaning to which leads to me missing info in classes

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claire526 views

what is a good sructure in business?

tips structire tipds

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Erica1512 views

How do you limit procrastination?

I think this has been an issue tons of people have because procrastination makes us lose some big opportunities. What are some tips that could help out with procrastination and increase my motivation to work?

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Kennedy238 views

What should I expect from my classes?

I'm currently in high school and I'm interested in becoming a psychiatrist. I'm going to be taking a half year of psychology and a half year of sociology. Is there anything I should know before going into these classes to prepare myself.

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Arianna131 views

What Steps should I take in becoming a Psychiatrist?

Currently getting my Highschool diploma/GED and I'm curious as to what steps I should take next? What Should I major in? What Classes should I take? Any tips on studying? Could you explain to me step by step the process in becoming a Psychiatrist?

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Serenity218 views

What is the work-life balance of an executive?

I'm interested in pursuing Business Management and Administration and Entrepreneurship in college. I was wondering what the work-life balance is like when you are a business executive or a manager. How do you maintain relationships? What are some factors that may affect the work-life balance? How do you stay active in business and the development of the country aside from your job?

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Jacob298 views

What do I expect from Security and Protective services?

1: How Are the hours? Like OT, Holidays? 2: What type of education is needed to be successful? 3:How much stress is put on workers in your career

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Brook431 views

How to start an art project ?

How do you start an art project like how do you know what yo make what happens if it looks bad do you just throw it away or to you keep it and sell it to make money

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Yaasmin292 views

If you could start over with any career choice, would you choose your current career as a Nurse again ?

Registered Nurse

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