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Shane949 views

Can I Get Into The Culinary Arts If I Test At A 9th Grade Level?

#chef #chef #culinary #culinary-arts #food #cooking

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Nicole165 views

What does it take to be in the film industry?

I've been told by my film teachers that it's about networking and how much you get along with everyone on set. I'd like to know if there are any other obstacles.

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Diego403 views

How and where can you obtain a food handling permit in California?

I was wondering about this question when I was looking at a subway job application and saw the requirement is a food handling permit.

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Olivia202 views

How do I get shadowing opportunity during my summer break from college??

I am currently a Pre-Med Student at the University of Miami.

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Jenna220 views

IS High Point University a good school for Technical Theater?

Thats basically my question.

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emily978 views

How can i start on being a runway model and what do i need?

I have always loved,beauty, confidence, and decorating and fashion but i dont know if this carrer will last long and i have a lot of other ideas but i also what to know your opinion on a good career with fashion, design and organize and decorating and baking

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Elaina250 views

What does your job look like on a daily basis?

What specifically do psycologists do on a regular basis?

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Julisa693 views

What are extracurricular activities I can be involved in as an alternative to a sport?

I am not an athletic person, or a big fan of sports, so I’d like to know what other activities I can be involved in as a sort of “alternative.” #sports #extracurricular #activities

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Davon509 views

How do I stay motivated?

My career goal is to be a professional basketball player in the NBA # #basketball #sports

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Tony399 views

How do Professional Athletes prepare for their careers?

I would like to go pro for baseball. I would like to know what I should do now to prepare for that.

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Nicholas228 views

How do I get baseball college recruiters to notice me?

How do I get more exposure to college recruiters?

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Regina280 views

What is the difference between Psychology and Psychiatry and how can this difference be a deciding factor in my career?

I'm interested in the mental health aspect of people and I really like listening to people and helping them. To my knowledge, both of these studies deal with helping people and their mental issues however I want to know which one is really about listening, giving advice, and being there to help.

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Basilio259 views

How many hours a week do HVAC workers get usually?

I want to know how much free time I will have after each day's work.

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Jalaa249 views

What is your previous experience providing medicine Care to Children?

I’m a Student trying to chase my dream in become a PN

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