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Andrea381 views

How do I land an internship?

I am a senior in college

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Peace263 views

How can I get my career right

I'm peace in 7th grade in school, help me with the question above so I will be able to know what next in my field of career. Thank you so very much

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Daniel206 views

How can I start a new business ?

Business related question

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Leonard405 views

can i learn spinish language from youtube ?

can i learn spinish language from youtube ?

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Dagmawit896 views

What are three qualities that a successful instructional designer must have?

I aspire to become an instructional designer. #instructional-design #education

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Raphael314 views

How do I keep up with my hobbies having a full-time job?

How do I keep up with my hobbies having a full-time job? I want to be a professional in my field but I also want to enjoy my hobbies to the full. How do I go about this?

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Vincent308 views

How do I get employers to recognize my work?

What should I do or use to get my skills and knowledge for people hiring to see?

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Montana258 views

Why does every job listing seem fake, never respond, or always seems to be going for people with 15+ years of experience?

Job applying tips, anything helps. I'd prefer something in any remote field, but it seems anything available is swiped up immediately or out of my experience range when it's just customer service.

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Addison183 views

Is having a BSN good for becoming a Med Student/Trauma surgeon? What is a good bachelors degree to have for those wanting to go into Medical School??

I am a High School Student that wants to become a surgeon and wanted to know if getting a BSN will count as a good degree for Med School

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Caroline1169 views

What is a good question to ask at an interview?

As an example, for a retail store, coffee shop, receptionist etc.

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Danica1023 views

What entry level job do you recommend I get right out of school if I want to be an executive at an airline one day?

I know I want to work in business, specifically at an airline, and one day I hope to work my way up to the top of a company. I'm just not sure where to start. What job should I seek out of college to set myself up for a future career as an executive? This question was posted by a CareerVillage administrator on behalf of the students of CareerVillage. #aviation #airline-industry

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diamond264 views

How do i start modeling after high school?

im 17 years old and ive been taking pictures of my outfits sine freshmen year and now im a junior and id love to model outside of school instead of in there only

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Paymahn383 views

I'm interested in coding and computers but I have not been informed about what jobs include these attributes?

I want to learn more about what jobs would be good fits for me and my style of work. I would like to know more about what kinds of opportunities would be a good fit for me. A job that includes coding and computers would be a nice fit for my style of working but I don't know which exact jobs include coding and computers.

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Austin505 views

What will the state of horticulture be in five years.

What will the wages be and how will it grow? #plants

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lizet529 views

I'm a sophomore in college and currently have started a plant business with my boyfriend. How can we reach out to other companies to make clients and sell our plants ?

#horticulturescience #business #plants

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Adan354 views

Does agriculture require only basic manual labor?

I would like to grow in agriculture but i feel like just taking care of the plants woudn't be exciting enough for me, is there other things that would require harder work to do? Or is it simply just watering plants.

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Paul448 views

How do plants work?

how do they grow when they are in the dirt

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sophia227 views

Is starting a small business hard?

I make jewelry and I want to start a small business when I'm older. I want to sell witchy supplies, plants, and jewelry.

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Tee928 views

Are In-progress Project Pictures Good for my Portfolio?

I’m a fine arts major that doesn’t have many works under my belt. I would like to build a portfolio for internships and art related jobs (temporary). Is it advisable to add some pages of inspiration or progress pictures of my project if I don’t have many finish art pieces? #portfolio #art

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Parsa616 views

How to get into NYU?

I absolutely love NYU and want to major in marketing.

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Zion630 views

What is the tech industry like? What technical / soft skills are needed in the field? How can I prepare myself in such a oversaturated field??

I'm an sophomore majoring in computer science and data science. I basic knowledge in python, java, web development, sql, and swift.

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Zion426 views

I want to be a data scientist, what skills do i need?

I want to be a data scientist, but I do not know what skills I need to learn or what majors I should take in college.

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malovi256 views

how to be more creative?

reading more books

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Alex145 views

What are the basic things to learn to be a valid computer scientist?

Please I need an answer to this question regarding my career choice

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