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denis219 views

how to be an active listener in school?

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Haylee588 views

What jobs or career paths align with these values?

I really value creativity, knowledge/education, and wealth/money.

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Daniel435 views

How can I balance my job and my career without one disturbing the other ?

My family don’t have time for others all in the name of been busy with their jobs

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Annika450 views

Why is it worth it to become a writer?

Hi, I’m Annika, I’m from Arizona, I am in middle school, and trying to figure out more details about being a writer. Why is it worth it to become a writer? How many hours do writers usually spend writing a week?

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aiden576 views

Hi i'm in a career tech class in 6th grade doing research on careers I'm interested in banking and business and programing i was told to come here by my teacher for an assignment.?

Hi i'm in a career tech class in 6th grade doing research on careers I'm interested in banking and business and programing i was told to come here by my teacher for an assignment.

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kevin416 views

how old you have to be to be a welder

#artist $$$

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