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Annika450 views

Why is it worth it to become a writer?

Hi, I’m Annika, I’m from Arizona, I am in middle school, and trying to figure out more details about being a writer. Why is it worth it to become a writer? How many hours do writers usually spend writing a week?

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aiden576 views

Hi i'm in a career tech class in 6th grade doing research on careers I'm interested in banking and business and programing i was told to come here by my teacher for an assignment.?

Hi i'm in a career tech class in 6th grade doing research on careers I'm interested in banking and business and programing i was told to come here by my teacher for an assignment.

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kevin416 views

how old you have to be to be a welder

#artist $$$

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Santino368 views

How is it like working in the spot of Arts, Audio/Video Technology & Communications?

Hello, my name is Santino, 13 year old in 7th grade, and I’ve been interested in Arts Audio/Video Technology & Communications, and always wondered how it’s work since late August this year. And I wanted to know how it’s like working for it, and how it’s like working with people in your career group. Another question I have is what your struggles are working as an Arts Audio/Video Technology & Communications, as struggles are always something you will have do deal with for the whole entirety of your life.

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Amy232 views

Do you think St John’s University is a good school for Pharmacy?

I am thinking of attending this school to become a Pharmacist

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Wenge1254 views

Is this common that the first job that people got is not related to what they have learned in their uni?

Just saw few my friends get a job which not related to our subject. #job #first-job

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Gabriel190 views

How do salaries get decided and paid out to employees?

How does a company pay out salaries?

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