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max272 views

how can I do free online art classes?

I have been doing art for a few years, I'm 13 and try to do art but I don't have any money to join a class or time too, I'd like a class I can take at any time

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undefined's avatar
Mara165 views

What is your daily routine as a mental health counselor, who do you work with in a day?

Want more information for project

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Jason390 views

How important is building construction technology?

I am in Alaska Job corp right now and my 2options are electrical and BCT and I want to know more about BCT before making a decision on what trade I want to train for.

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Milo324 views

How could I break into the acting industry in highschool?

Hello! I’m a Highschool theater student and I was wondering how or even if I could go into the big time acting industry in highschool! I think I’m ok at acting so maybe it’s possible!

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