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Angel500 views

What can you do with a associates and bachelors in business administration?

Job options/opportunities

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Carys342 views

What career path options are there for CREATIVE minded people?

I am a freshman in college and im having a hard time finding careers that interest me. I have always been a very creative minded person but im not sure what career paths support this.

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Edith774 views

How do I know what to do to get a job?

I'm 15 years old in high school and I've been looking for a job since my sophomore year, so I'm trying to get a job for my senior year. I found options and started taking action for them (i.e. finding employers with available jobs and emailing them), but I don't really feel prepared enough for it. I talked to family, friends and teachers, I still feel like I don't fully understand it. Especially since I haven't sat down and put together a good resume yet (I have no prior work experience), any advice?

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Nathan378 views

what is the quqlification of an accountant?

what is the qualification of an accountant#accounting

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