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James141 views

What is the best thing to do before you go into college?

tips and things

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Cecilia13 views

I want to attend only cosmetology school but my mom makes it sound like I will be broke if I do this is this true?

I want to instead of college go to aveda can i still be successful?

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Anson18 views

Any advice for high school junior interested in nursing?

I’m from brooklyn new york

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CareerVillage Office Hours185 views

How to become a Freelance Writer?

Share your journey & guide aspiring Freelance Writers on their path! Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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Pearl141 views

How can I prepare for a character design career in the era of AI?

Hello! I'm currently an undergraduate passionate about pursuing a career in character design. I have some experience with digital art and animation, but I'm eager to learn more about how AI is shaping the industry. I'm particularly interested in understanding how I can adapt my skills and portfolio to thrive in this technologically advanced landscape. Additionally, I'm curious about the best strategies for securing internships in character design. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Weitao25 views

How does a day in animating look like?

I want to figure out what a day in your job looks like to get a better understanding of what should be expected

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sebastian27 views

how can i get internship?

internship tips

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Weitao27 views

What are employer looking for in an animator?

I know that job experience in the field could be important, but do they have preferences in what software they use?

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Felix331 views

Is art a successful career?

I'm an artist at heart

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Arianna252 views

Do you have any advice on how I can enhance my confidence skills to be more equipped to become an interior designer?

I'm in the 8th grade and I would like to learn how to prepare myself to see if being an Interior designer is a career I would be interested in for my future.

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Alondra355 views

How I can start working with interior designers?

I am in the 10th grade in high school. I wanted to see what I can do to get into interior design. How I can start working with interior designers. The reason why I ask this is because it’s my passion

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Tweety634 views

How can i improve my designing skills to build my resume for applying for jobs?

I am a 13 year old school student. Designing really interests me. I am a self-taught designer.

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Haylee540 views

What career would be best for me?

I am currently interested in three careers: Business, Architecture, and Art. I want to be an entrepreneur and start my own type of small business. But I would like to be able to design and build buildings and the inside of them. And I would also want to be able to enjoy a hobby that relaxes me which is art. I'm more into painting, sculpting, and designing. I'm not sure which careers to pick and which I would like the best.

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Christian Paul448 views

can i study bs interior design in college if i take stem in shs?


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How to become Nurse Anaesthetist?

Share your journey & guide aspiring Nurse Anaesthetists on their path. Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.