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Shira183 views

What jobs are best for people (me) who want to deal with all the technology and behind the scenes of film/tv?

I am going to college for film/tv/digital media production and was wondering what are all the jobs I can get out of it that are super technical and less screenwriting and such. #Spring24

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Sunnie80 views

What do i do to become a vet tech.?

i love animals and want to become a vet how do I become a vet tech? #iloveanimals

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Natalie61 views

What obstacles might you come across in an Elementary teaching job?

When applying for college what challenges are there and what's hard about the job?

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Miguel88 views

Former consultants - If you made the jump to industry after working in consulting, how did that work for you?

I am very excited to know that I'll be working as a strategy consultant soon after graduation! However, I am considering 'making the jump' to industry later on in life to work at a more specific company that aligns with the changes I'd like to see in the world. (My dream would be to work for a company focused on renewable energy, or plant based food systems!) For those that were able to make the transition from consulting to industry, how did that happen for you? Was that a goal for you, or did it occur naturally? How did your day to day differ? Do you ever think about going back to consulting? Thanks so much for your time <3 #Spring24

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DUSTIN149 views



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Daphne127 views

What is the most beneficial pre-med major?

Hi! I hear that common pre-med majors are biology, biomedical sciences, kinesiology, etc., but was wondering what the most helpful one was? Thanks!

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Journee'204 views

Does being a Veterinarian require a college or technical degree?

I'm asking this because of a career project that is required.

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Sunnie68 views

Why do we need the earth to breathe?

I have been asking this question since I was 5 years old and why do we need earth to breathe could we breathe something else for a change?

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Liad95 views

As a computer engineer, when you have an idea, how do you make sure nobody takes it and uses it as their own?

As a computer engineer, when you have an idea, how do you make sure nobody takes it and uses it as their own?

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Jake75 views

What helped you network best as an aerospace engineer. ?

I saw that a big part of being an engineer is networking and making professional contacts. I was wondering what would be the best way to meet these people and make these contacts for a future aerospace engineer. Thank you!

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Joy95 views

What are you doing here?


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Royal136 views

Finding the Best Embroidered Patches Near Me: A Guide to Local Customization?

Embroidered patches have gained popularity for their versatility, personalization, and ability to add a unique touch to clothing, accessories, and promotional items. custom embroidered patches near me When considering custom patches, finding a local source has numerous advantages. In this article, we'll explore why choosing embroidered patches "near me" is beneficial, how to identify reputable local providers, and what to consider when selecting the perfect company for your needs. Why Go Local for Embroidered Patches? Choosing a local provider for embroidered patches can offer several benefits, from faster turnaround times to more personalized customer service. Here's why going local might be the best choice for your custom patch needs: 1. Quicker Turnaround Times Working with a local patch provider often means shorter production and shipping times. This is especially important if you have tight deadlines for events, team uniforms, or product launches. Local providers can deliver patches more quickly than companies located in other regions or countries. 2. Face-to-Face Consultation Choosing a local provider allows for face-to-face meetings and consultations. This personal interaction can help clarify design requirements, discuss materials and colors, and resolve any issues quickly. It also fosters a stronger relationship with the provider, ensuring your needs are met. 3. Supporting Local Businesses By choosing a local patch provider, you're supporting businesses in your community. This contributes to the local economy and helps create jobs. Additionally, local businesses may be more inclined to offer discounts or special deals to customers from the same area. 4. Environmentally Friendly Local production reduces the carbon footprint associated with long-distance shipping. When you choose a provider near you, you're making a more sustainable choice by minimizing transportation emissions. Finding Local Embroidered Patch Providers To find embroidered patches "near me," you can use various methods to identify local providers. Here are some tips to help you locate reputable companies in your area: 1. Search Online Directories Online directories like Yelp, Google Maps, or Yellow Pages can help you find local patch providers. Look for companies with high ratings and positive reviews to ensure quality service. 2. Ask for Recommendations Word of mouth is a powerful tool when seeking local businesses. Ask friends, family, or colleagues if they know of any local patch providers. They might have valuable insights into companies they've used for custom patches. 3. Visit Local Trade Shows and Fairs Trade shows and community fairs often feature local businesses showcasing their products and services. This can be a great opportunity to meet patch providers in person, see samples of their work, and discuss your needs directly. 4. Contact Local Embroidery Shops Embroidery shops often offer custom patch services or can refer you to a reputable local provider. They may also have patch samples on display, giving you a better idea of the quality you can expect. What to Consider When Choosing a Local Patch Provider Once you've identified a few local patch providers, it's essential to evaluate them based on certain criteria to ensure you choose the best one for your needs. Consider the following factors when making your decision: 1. Experience and Expertise Look for a company with a proven track record in creating custom embroidered patches. An experienced provider will have the skills and knowledge to handle various designs and requirements. 2. Quality of Work Ask to see samples of the provider's previous work. Examine the quality of the embroidery, the clarity of the design, and the overall finish of the patches. A high-quality patch should have clean stitching and vibrant colors. 3. Customization Options Ensure the provider offers a range of customization options, including different shapes, sizes, colors, and backing types. The ability to create unique designs is crucial for personalized patches. 4. Customer Service Good customer service is key when working with a patch provider. Choose a company that is responsive, communicative, and willing to work with you to meet your needs. This can make the design and production process smoother and more enjoyable. 5. Pricing and Minimum Order Requirements Compare pricing among different providers and check if they have minimum order requirements. While local providers might have higher prices than large-scale manufacturers, their personalized service and quicker turnaround times can justify the cost. Conclusion Finding embroidered patches "near me" offers several benefits, from quicker turnaround times to personalized customer service and a reduced environmental impact. By choosing a local provider, you can support local businesses while ensuring high-quality patches for your clothing, accessories, or promotional items. To find the best local patch provider, use online directories, ask for recommendations, and visit local trade shows. When choosing a provider, consider factors like experience, quality of work, customization options, customer service, and pricing. With careful consideration, you can find a local company that meets your needs and delivers top-notch embroidered patches.

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Henry N.44 views

As an electrical engineering student, what professional expertise and ethics are required to become a renewable energy expert? #Spring24

Electrical Engineering and Renewable Energy #Spring24

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primely361 views

The Evolution and Versatility of Embroidered Patches?

Embroidered patches have long been a staple in the world of fashion, military regalia, and corporate branding. embroidered patches Their adaptability and customizability make them popular in various industries, from clothing and accessories to promotional products. This article explores the history, design processes, applications, and current trends surrounding embroidered patches. A Brief History of Embroidered Patches Embroidery, the art of decorating fabric with needle and thread, dates back centuries, with early examples found in ancient Egypt, China, and Greece. Embroidered patches, however, gained popularity in the 20th century, particularly during World War II, when they were used to distinguish military units and ranks. These patches became iconic symbols of camaraderie and heritage among soldiers. In the post-war era, embroidered patches found their way into popular culture, with the rise of biker gangs, rock bands, and countercultural movements in the 1960s and 1970s. These groups used patches to express their identities and affiliations. By the 1980s, patches had become a common feature in fashion, with brands and designers incorporating them into their collections. Designing and Creating Custom Embroidered Patches The process of creating embroidered patches has evolved with technology. Today, it's easier than ever to design and produce custom patches. Here's an overview of the typical steps involved in creating a patch: 1. Concept and Design The first step in creating an embroidered patch is conceptualization. Designers work with clients to determine the patch's purpose, size, shape, and overall design. This stage involves brainstorming ideas and creating digital mock-ups to visualize the final product. 2. Digitization Once the design is approved, it's digitized, which means converting the design into a format that embroidery machines can read. This process involves specifying stitch patterns, thread colors, and other technical details. 3. Production With the design digitized, the patch is ready for production. Embroidery machines stitch the design onto a base fabric, typically twill or felt. The edges are often finished with a merrowed border to prevent fraying. 4. Backing and Finishing Patches can have various backing options, such as iron-on, adhesive, Velcro, or no backing. The choice of backing depends on how the patch will be attached to clothing or accessories. After backing, the patches are cut to shape and undergo quality control to ensure they meet the required standards. Applications of Embroidered Patches Embroidered patches have a wide range of applications, from practical uses to creative expressions. Here are some common areas where patches are used: 1. Fashion and Accessories In the fashion industry, patches add a unique touch to clothing, bags, and hats. They can be used to brand products, promote causes, or add a personalized element to garments. Patches are also popular in streetwear, where they can represent subcultures or trends. 2. Military and Law Enforcement Embroidered patches have a long history in the military and law enforcement, where they are used to signify rank, unit, or specialized training. These patches are often subject to strict regulations and design guidelines. 3. Corporate Branding Companies use patches as promotional tools, adding them to uniforms or giving them away at events. This helps build brand recognition and fosters a sense of community among employees. 4. Clubs and Organizations Many clubs and organizations, such as biker gangs, sports teams, and scout groups, use patches to identify members and celebrate achievements. These patches often become cherished keepsakes that symbolize group identity. Trends in Embroidered Patches The embroidered patch industry has seen several trends in recent years, reflecting changing tastes and technological advancements. Here are some key trends to watch: 1. Eco-Friendly Materials With increasing awareness of environmental issues, some patch manufacturers are using eco-friendly materials, such as organic cotton and recycled polyester, to create sustainable patches. 2. Digital Customization Thanks to digital tools and online platforms, customers can now design their own patches with ease. This trend has made custom patches more accessible to individuals and small businesses. 3. Innovative Backing Options Beyond traditional iron-on and Velcro backings, manufacturers are experimenting with new ways to attach patches to fabric. This includes adhesive patches that can be easily removed and repositioned. 4. Personalization and Customization Personalized patches continue to grow in popularity, allowing individuals to create unique designs that reflect their personalities and interests. This trend is driven by the desire for self-expression and customization in fashion and branding.

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t262 views

How should i pay for college, if I get no scholarships? #Spring24

I have a 2.6 GPA I expect to get 0 scholarships, how can I do it?

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