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Maria9 views

what is the best things i have to learn new lanaguage ?

what is the best things i have to learn new lanaguage ?

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D47 views

Any good and affordable colleges abroad for a Masters in Psychology in English with scholarships and good stay-back policies?

I'm looking for something within the field of clinical or counselling Psychology

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BIG24 views


How can i improve my concept of art

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Jeremiah88 views

How can one be academically stable ?

By putting more effort in studying Avoid distractions and peer influence

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Shira121 views

What jobs are best for people (me) who want to deal with all the technology and behind the scenes of film/tv?

I am going to college for film/tv/digital media production and was wondering what are all the jobs I can get out of it that are super technical and less screenwriting and such. #Spring24

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Sunnie70 views

What do i do to become a vet tech.?

i love animals and want to become a vet how do I become a vet tech? #iloveanimals

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Natalie36 views

What obstacles might you come across in an Elementary teaching job?

When applying for college what challenges are there and what's hard about the job?

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Miguel51 views

Former consultants - If you made the jump to industry after working in consulting, how did that work for you?

I am very excited to know that I'll be working as a strategy consultant soon after graduation! However, I am considering 'making the jump' to industry later on in life to work at a more specific company that aligns with the changes I'd like to see in the world. (My dream would be to work for a company focused on renewable energy, or plant based food systems!) For those that were able to make the transition from consulting to industry, how did that happen for you? Was that a goal for you, or did it occur naturally? How did your day to day differ? Do you ever think about going back to consulting? Thanks so much for your time <3 #Spring24

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DUSTIN126 views



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Daphne111 views

What is the most beneficial pre-med major?

Hi! I hear that common pre-med majors are biology, biomedical sciences, kinesiology, etc., but was wondering what the most helpful one was? Thanks!

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Journee'179 views

Does being a Veterinarian require a college or technical degree?

I'm asking this because of a career project that is required.

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Sunnie63 views

Why do we need the earth to breathe?

I have been asking this question since I was 5 years old and why do we need earth to breathe could we breathe something else for a change?

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Liad83 views

As a computer engineer, when you have an idea, how do you make sure nobody takes it and uses it as their own?

As a computer engineer, when you have an idea, how do you make sure nobody takes it and uses it as their own?

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Jake58 views

What helped you network best as an aerospace engineer. ?

I saw that a big part of being an engineer is networking and making professional contacts. I was wondering what would be the best way to meet these people and make these contacts for a future aerospace engineer. Thank you!

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Joy68 views

What are you doing here?


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