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Jennifer192 views

Can I get a Bachelors degree in Nutrition with only completing some pre requisite courses?

what courses do i need to prepare for a Nutritionist or do i need to take an Associates degree first

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FRED456 views



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Ajiboye202 views

How much do I earn in my teaching job?

Teaching , How much do I earn in my teaching job?

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Emily206 views

What grade is the best to teach?

I'm about to go into college but I don't know if I want to do elementary or secondary teaching. I want to know what grade is the best to teach before I make my choice.

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Mathew200 views

What those entrepreneurship mean?

The meaning of entrepreneurship and the importance of entrepreneurship to our society and the lifes of young children like us also how it can help us in school

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Summer188 views

How could I possibly shadow or contribute to my mentoring?

I have found a mentor that is a professor and a social worker with her own practice. When we first met we discussed things I could do, such as research and just asking questions in general, one of her suggestions was to shadow, but we were both concerned about the ethical dilemmas that would form as I am a highschool student although I do dual psychology classes at college which technically made me a college student. Many college students shadow professionals in the mental health field because they are studying that field, would this make it more acceptable if I were to shadow my mentor while obviously following HIPAA laws, ethical concerns, and getting the patients okay.

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Ola313 views

Why are things hard ?

How are things

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ashton367 views

how to choose a good career in collge?

career tips

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Daniel180 views

How can I get a business strategy?

Business centre

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damaris226 views

how can i prevent my computer from hacking?

hacker tips

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Daniel93 views

How can I start a new business ?

Business related question

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Smith103 views

How can someone be a professional designer?

How can someone be a professional designer in the field of graphic design, website development, application designer, and software designer

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John225 views

What online learning communities would you recommend for gaining more business knowledge?

Which online learning communities would you recommend for gaining more business knowledge? I am an accounting student, who would like to find an online learning community that would help me broaden my business knowledge, such as analytics, software programs, finances, economics, and other nonaccounting areas of business. I am very interested in this information at an international... business economics online-learning analytics

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Mohammed93 views

What is the best career and why is it the best career to earn right now?

What is the best career and why is it the best career to earn right now?

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Roe182 views

How do I know what career to pursue?

I know pretty much what I like and dislike- but struggle to find something that fit me. I love painting- yet I don't really want to be an artist for living. I crave for academia life, and so everybody around me push me to be an architect. But I am not really sure if it's for me. The thing is, I am not sure about anything- the one thing I know is that I want a big demending career that allows me to reach the best of my abilities. (like anyone I guess..)

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