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undefined's avatar

What are the steps I need to take to become a professor in chemistry ?

How do I go about be on top of my academic career

undefined's avatar

best course for 2024 ?

what is the best course can i take and learn new skills

undefined's avatar

How do I begin a career in business management. This a top goal for me.What college will be the best to attend. What are the things that I need to make it possible. I just wanna succeed in my endeavor.?

How do I begin a career in business management. What college will be the best to attend. What are the things that I need to make it possible. I just wanna succeed in my endeavor. I have a very good grade and being a manager I top on the list for career goal for me. I just need a good advice on this.

undefined's avatar
myline1 view

importance of being illiterate?

is there any

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Fehintola4 views

What is required to start a venture ?

I mean way of sourcing capital.

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george21 views

how useful are computer skills?

how is the knowledge

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Joshua25 views

What are the guidelines in need to be a Biochemist?

I'll soon be a college student, what are the pathways I need to understand and master to become a renown Biochemist?

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Daniel22 views

Why is programming not thought at my class level?

I am 14 years old I have passion for computer programming and development. I have been going online through many articles and lecture on computer programming please where else can I get more information and learning outlet for computer programming. Why is programming not thought at my class level?

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chinaka12 views

What is cyber security all about ?

Explain cyber security to me

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Sanaii64 views

What is the best way to find veterinary shadowing opportunities?

I am a current sophmore and I attend high school in the NYC area. How should I about connecting with veterinarians in the area to ask them for shadowing?

undefined's avatar
Justice64 views

Should I take classes to complete my IGETC requirements because I want to go to a University?

I am taking college classes while I am in high school. I wanna know if I am wasting my time or not.

undefined's avatar

How to become a Web Developer?

Share your journey & guide aspiring web developers on their path. Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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diamond60 views

How do i start modeling after high school?

im 17 years old and ive been taking pictures of my outfits sine freshmen year and now im a junior and id love to model outside of school instead of in there only

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Nabeel84 views

What can I do in college to prepare myself for when I get a job?

I feel like I need some tips or some advice on how I can be prepared

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undefined's avatar
Nabeel89 views

How hard is it to become a manager for a job?

becoming a manager is also something I've considered, but I'm not sure about it still

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