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Mcclure15 views

How does communication helps with human life?

How does communication in the way of human life and what do you think about communication in general

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Aiyana51 views

W What are the steps I can take to become a neonatologists how long will it take me to reach my goal?

I've always wanted to get into the nursing field and help babies/toddlers since I was younger I've always loved the thought of helping people or saving them I just want to understand how id get into this field.

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eman94 views

will life after high school be harder?

im afraid that life will be harder, i wanna move from home for personal reasons and im scared that housing will be an issue, what should i do

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Serenity126 views

What is the work-life balance of an executive?

I'm interested in pursuing Business Management and Administration and Entrepreneurship in college. I was wondering what the work-life balance is like when you are a business executive or a manager. How do you maintain relationships? What are some factors that may affect the work-life balance? How do you stay active in business and the development of the country aside from your job?

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eman95 views

question about life after school.

how do i know ill be okay with what im working as?

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Jamie79 views

Have you witnessed or dealt with discrimination in STEM?

We have a huge research project in our class where we need to gather information about discrimination people have faced in STEM? Whether it was when you were a student or have a full- time carrer, have you faced discrimination?

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Huntington93 views

What kind of discrimination have you experienced or witnessed in the STEM field?

We have a huge research project in our class where we need to gather information about discrimination people have faced in STEM. Whether it was while you were still a student, or had a full-time career, have you witnessed or dealt with it?

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Arianna65 views

What discrimination have you dealt with well in the stem field?

Have you ever had to deal with discrimination because of your race or gender?

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Mauricio72 views

Architecture career path and skills?

What do you need to do to be an architect? How much drawing is there and do you have to be good at it?

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Melissa72 views

Why be a veternarian?

What led you to choose to be a vet? What do you like about it and why did you want to do it.

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Melissa82 views


What is the most challenging thing about being a veterinarian while training or working on the job?

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Rachel102 views

How do i get into a business administration college ?

I am eleventh grader.I am really into business, entrepreneurship and business administration .I would really like to join a college that helps me achieve my dreams

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Angelica349 views

What majors are acceptable in becoming an hr?

I am in my second year of college, currently focused on psychology.

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Isaiah318 views

What is your biggest success story in welding How long did it take to get where you are now? What is your biggest failure and how did you learn from it? ?

I am a student and I need to complete an assignment for my selected trade

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john159 views

What does it take to become a dentist?

Grade 11 in high school and would like to attend a four year college afterwards

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