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undefined's avatar

What's the main thing needed to start a career as a computer sciencetist?

I'm a graduate of computer science,i just a track to choose my career wisely

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ray47 views

asdsadsadas dasdasdasd as dasdasd asd ?

asdasd asd asd as dasdsa das dsa dasdas das dasd sa dsa dsadasd asdasdasdasdasdasdas das das das das dasdasddas

undefined's avatar
Kevin50 views

What advice can you give me about my future career in Industrial Electronics?

I have a few questions about the Industrial engineering field, more specifically Industrial Electronics. Given the extensive process to even get certified or a degree, I'm curious as to the learning curve of the work? Are there any particular skills that I should become acquainted with before entering the work field? And are there any commonly open positions regarding this profession? Is it something I would easily be able to apply for a job in, or would it take a longer time with less likelihood of getting in than most other jobs?

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Pearl99 views

How can I improve my art skills faster ?

So, I have been studying character design, anime art, anatomy, perspective, etc., everything related to art for a while now. But still, there's more to learn. And I feel like I am taking more time. Can anyone provide me with guidance on this? I will be thankful.

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Jos64 views

How can I be a successful cyber security personnel?

How can I be a successful cyber security personnel

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sitya78 views

when is the right age to marry?

is it after school

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susan62 views

how can i do good in school?

in my examas

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Gracie123 views

What is organic chemistry ?

I want to know more About organic chemistry and how to prepare some of the organic compound with their structural formulas included. Thanks very much for your time

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charles164 views

which is the best mode of communication in office?

communication tips

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Kamden97 views

When I graduate, I plan on going into sports medicine, how do I ensure that I get the best education. I want the best possible education on sports medicine so that the people I care for get the best care possible

I want to go to the University of Southern Mississippi, since it’s close to home and I want to help the people in my area.

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Ry93 views

How should I improve in my soccer and art?

I'm sorta good at art it's a thing I like to do in my free time and it's calming for me but soccer is also a hobby I love to do and I've been called pretty fast and good at kicking the ball also passing but there is one thing I am missing in soccer I'm not sure what it is but I just am. And in art I wouldn't call my self a good artist but I'm in the middle. I've been trying to work more on art and how to draw anime or faces I love to draw eyes but I'm not the best at it maybe you all could give me some advice.

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Lex64 views

What do screenwriters do (their full job) ?

What do screenwriters do? Do they just write scripts or come up with the movie/ show idea and write for the script? Also who do they work with? Like directors, producers.

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Mihaela64 views

What is the difference between a lead radiation therapist and a regular radiation therapist?

I was curious about career growth in this field and saw that there was a position that could advance you to a lead radiation therapist. What duties does this entail? Are there any requirements besides experience such as further education? Thank you!

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Mihaela75 views

How do you get the opportunity to shadow a radiation therapist ?

I’m a senior in high school who is going to graduate soon and I was trying to see if there was any way to shadow radiation therapists so I could get a good idea of what it’s like in real life. However, I haven’t seen many opportunities posted. Any tips?

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Yodenni205 views

What major should I choose if I don’t know what I want to do?

I’m interested in various things and very confused on which one I should pick because they all fall under different fields.

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