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undefined's avatar

What is the best way to find veterinary shadowing opportunities?

I am a current sophmore and I attend high school in the NYC area. How should I about connecting with veterinarians in the area to ask them for shadowing?

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Justice14 views

Should I take classes to complete my IGETC requirements because I want to go to a University?

I am taking college classes while I am in high school. I wanna know if I am wasting my time or not.

undefined's avatar

How to become a Web Developer?

Share your journey & guide aspiring web developers on their path. Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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diamond11 views

How do i start modeling after high school?

im 17 years old and ive been taking pictures of my outfits sine freshmen year and now im a junior and id love to model outside of school instead of in there only

undefined's avatar
Nabeel23 views

What can I do in college to prepare myself for when I get a job?

I feel like I need some tips or some advice on how I can be prepared

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undefined's avatar
Nabeel41 views

How hard is it to become a manager for a job?

becoming a manager is also something I've considered, but I'm not sure about it still

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undefined's avatar
Nabeel20 views

What would you need in order to become a technician?

I am a junior in high school and tech has been an interest of mine

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Brenda49 views

How do I start my art portfolio and how can I improve it?

I have to do an art portfolio for the major I choose, but I'm unsure how to start it or even how to get from one painting to the next one.

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Nuna55 views

What equine degree/college should I pursue?

Ok so I have a few questions: What are some horse careers/jobs that aren’t as well known? What colleges have an emphasis on horsemanship and not just competing/riding? What equine degree is the most general to any horse job (in case I wanna explore different aspects)? Is it okay to go to a college with an emphasis on horses as a slight beginner? I’m definitely not a beginner, but I’m definitely not a horse guru either, so I feel like I’d be behind. . . Right now I’m planning on going to BYU Provo for my required credits than going to a college with an emphasis on horses. . . Is this a good plan? While I’m at BYU should I get a part time job working at a barn? I just want the most experience I can get. Little bit about me if it helps: I’m definitely not the stereotypical cowgirl. I’ve worked at a barn with horses for 4 years, and I have been training this gelding for a bit with my trainer. I have an emphasis on relationship and trust with the horses, bodywork, and training is something I love doing. I’ve never competed, and I’m not sure if I’d be interested in doing so. . . You can tackle any or all questions, thanks for reading!

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undefined's avatar
RICHARD Lee405 views

What are the details about being an Electrical Apprentice?

I feel like when I google certain information, I do not know if it is accurate. I know nothing about apprenticeship details except for the fact that we learn in person.

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Alexander223 views

What am I supposed to consider on starting a technological project?

Any technological project

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CareerVillage Office Hours299 views

How to become a Product Manager?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become a Product Manager? Note: Given the growing interest in the product management field, we're inviting our experienced professionals to share their knowledge.

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Julie126 views

How do I know if the medical/medicine field is right for me and how do I prepare for a good college during high school?

In my opinion, I believe that a field in medicine/medical is right for me, but I'm not completely sure so I want advice on deciding!

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Alexander92 views

What can I do to be an expert in cyber security deposit ?

Technology literacy is highly recommended in future

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Abdullahi146 views

I want to take 2 majors ( Aviation and IT Managment). How do I start and where do I find the resources?

I am a freshman and 15 years old. There is a enrollment for early college classes PSEO and we can only take 1 class though I dont know which major I should start on.

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