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Ari13 views

How hard is it to get into the Seismology field?

I'm wanting to do Seismology as a career but I want to know how difficult it is to get into the field. It could be if it's competitive or certain things companies are looking for.

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Deedum6 views

What are the necessaryrequirements for a computer operator?

I want to be a computer scientist

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Tanvir5 views

What is your project plan?and here project name?

What's your project work ? The project is work done? What project is calculated then parpal

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James5 views

How can become a successful entrepreneur ?

In a technological advance world

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Jamiu12 views

Please text my mail address

How can i earn from crypto currency with little or no capital

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Mayank16 views

how can i switch my carrer from computational chemistry to machine -learning or ai ?

Hi, I'm a mtech 2nd year student from computational chemistry background .

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Richard16 views

What is very good in service

is very positive

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Sula82 views

How to know best business to start ?

How to know best businesse to start

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How to become an Audiologist?

Tell us everything we need to know to become an Audiologist. Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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How to become an Archaeologist?

Share your journey & guide aspiring Archaeologists on their path! Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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Francis81 views

how can I stop having piles of late work in school?

I am in high school as a junior and I struggle with time management

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Francis88 views

what attributes are colleges look for in a person?

I am 16 in high school I play multiple sports and I am good with talking to people

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Francis66 views

what is a good way to stay concentrated in school?

I am bad at concentrating and I tend to doze off in class without meaning to which leads to me missing info in classes

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Francis44 views

how do I get better at studying?

I am 16 and I am a junior and I am bad at studying

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Mustapha71 views

How do I know which is right?

How do I know the right career path for me? I am sophomore student trying yo navigate through life, Please help with good advices so that I can plan my future.

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