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undefined's avatar

What kinds of engineering are there?

I know about software and industrial engineering but are there other branches of it?

undefined's avatar

what do you need to study when taking engineering?

It seems interesting and I might want to try to learn a bit about it

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Bryan3 views

Best ways to prepare for college?

I want to know what I should be doing to be college ready

undefined's avatar
Ashlyn2 views

What education do i need to be a veterinarian?

It is for a presentation

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Bryan6 views

What is the hardest thing to manage in college?

I want to be prepared

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Bryan12 views

What class are there for media in college?

are there different classes for broadcasting and editing?

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Rodgers14 views

What are the best features of mountain

Good question

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Delavina13 views

I am thinking about becoming a Forensic Psychiatrist, What are the steps to get there?

I am in 10th grade and I know I want to go into the psychiatry field. I am interested in mental health, and helping others. I want to understand the behavior that causes people to commit crimes.

undefined's avatar
Kurtf58 views

What's the main thing needed to start a career as a computer sciencetist?

I'm a graduate of computer science,i just a track to choose my career wisely

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Kevin88 views

What advice can you give me about my future career in Industrial Electronics?

I have a few questions about the Industrial engineering field, more specifically Industrial Electronics. Given the extensive process to even get certified or a degree, I'm curious as to the learning curve of the work? Are there any particular skills that I should become acquainted with before entering the work field? And are there any commonly open positions regarding this profession? Is it something I would easily be able to apply for a job in, or would it take a longer time with less likelihood of getting in than most other jobs?

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Pearl149 views

How can I improve my art skills faster ?

So, I have been studying character design, anime art, anatomy, perspective, etc., everything related to art for a while now. But still, there's more to learn. And I feel like I am taking more time. Can anyone provide me with guidance on this? I will be thankful.

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undefined's avatar
Jos82 views

How can I be a successful cyber security personnel?

How can I be a successful cyber security personnel

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sitya106 views

when is the right age to marry?

is it after school

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susan81 views

how can i do good in school?

in my examas

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Gracie138 views

What is organic chemistry ?

I want to know more About organic chemistry and how to prepare some of the organic compound with their structural formulas included. Thanks very much for your time

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