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samwel1 view

why should i be rich?

i need advice

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Leonard1 view

can i learn spinish language from youtube ?

can i learn spinish language from youtube ?

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dennis11 views

what is the best financial management?

finance tips

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Grant8 views

How can get job as a data analyst as an undergraduate?

I have degree in computer science and data science certification and I want to build a career in data science ,

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Rosebud11 views

Pro of business management ?

What are the do's and don'ts in managing a business?

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James4 views

What is the best thing to do before you go into college?

tips and things

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Busani5 views

Which amongst these two programs: M.Sc in Strategic Management and M.Sc in Project Management should one pursue given that he/she has passion for Art and Creatives?

I'm a former university student with a B.Sc Degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management. As a writer, an artist and a budding photographer, I have so much passion that emanates from Art and Creative Industry with an urge to pursue filmmaking one day in the near future. Please share your thoughts regarding my question.

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Audrey15 views

Will college put you into debt?

Is college really worth it if people are still paying things off even when they’re in their 50s?

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Audrey23 views

Do you have to graduate college to get a good job?

Is it really true though?

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Pearl22 views

How can I prepare for a character design career in the era of AI?

Hello! I'm currently an undergraduate passionate about pursuing a career in character design. I have some experience with digital art and animation, but I'm eager to learn more about how AI is shaping the industry. I'm particularly interested in understanding how I can adapt my skills and portfolio to thrive in this technologically advanced landscape. Additionally, I'm curious about the best strategies for securing internships in character design. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Kevin111 views

How to make a career choice?

for the confused

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Andrew97 views

How do I get ready for college?

studying colleges I want to go to

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Abbey94 views

What careers could I be headed towards?

Hey! My name is Abbey and I’m a first-year student at the University of St.Thomas in St.Paul Minnesota. Throughout my whole life, I've had an interest in sports, health, and the human body. Because of this, I decided to major in Exercise Science and double minor in Nutrition and Business Administration. I was looking at becoming an athletic trainer but decided against it a few months ago. I am really just looking for someone who has some knowledge in these areas, and could tell me a little bit of what I could go into when I'm older that includes my major and minors! And any other insights that I could find helpful in the future!

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noel124 views
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Faith97 views

How to I get a job so young?

I’m young and want a job

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