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undefined's avatar

What are some benefits of getting into auto body paint?

I am a job corps student looking for advice

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Mykal18 views

Why do you think someone should go into autobody paint?

autobody paint

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Lani23 views

Will Failing grades harm your chance at getting a job?

Im 16 and im in 8th grade and I've recently been doing online schooling. It's really not my thing and im back to regular school now but I've failed my grade twice and ive been panicking a lot about it. I've always had good grades and im afraid i wont get a job later on now that ive failed more than once.

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Foreign10 views

How can I be come more successful ?

I will like to be more successful and have a good career how do I go about it I want to understand everything about my work what to do to get more well done from boss

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Recky243 views

what is the best way to control anger ?

i have anger issues

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Izeya52 views

Who would like to do a Quick Interview with me?

I need a few different people to do an interview with me about their respective professions regarding Logistics and Logistics Analysis, as well as Human Resources. Furthermore, if there were any people in the Army in a reconnaissance or in the Rangers division who could give me some insight into the career and whether or not logistics and human resources could be beneficial skills for the position. This is both for an assignment and myself as I am looking into joining the U.S. Armed Forces, Thank you for your time in advance.

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John112 views

What are the benefits of the navy?

The money and insurance benefits

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miles138 views

what is the best route that i can use to get justice?

justice tips

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John63 views

How much does video gamers make?

Is it possible to make a life playing games

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Mibble90 views

Whats necessary in counseling and life?

In life one has to be sure of the path to take not to make mistake So I needed best advice on how to be the best in everything Both in academic and financial life without being judged

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Mibble56 views

Whats necessaryin counseling?

In life one has to be sure of the path to take not to make mistake So I needed best advice on how to be the best in everything Both in academic and financial life without being judged

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Raffy93 views

how to save up for pokemon

how to save up for pokemon

undefined's avatar
Nabeel281 views

What are some things I should do when I start college?

I feel like I need to know a few things to help me get started

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Nabeel128 views

What should I consider when creating a resume?

I want to know more about writing up resumes for when I apply for a job

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Nsncy196 views

How to earn money while you are young ?

I'm a 16 year old rising high school senior, and I've been learning how to code in my free time for the past year or so. I've decided that I want to study computer science in college, but I'm still not entirely sure about my decision. #college #computer #computer-science

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