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Luca7 views

Where is my best friend?

I dont know where she is

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Juan17 views

What is the importance of a career?

A career is more than just a job – it is a long-term pursuit that can provide personal fulfilment, financial stability, and a sense of purpose. The importance of choosing a career lies in its ability to provide direction and focus for your goals and aspirations.

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Shay47 views

How can I start to get money ?

Hi I’m am a 13 year old I’m in the 8th grade , I started a cooking business it was going good but then some people that didn’t like me was going around telling people how bad my food is so I just wanted to know how can I start making money again so I can save up for my first call and so I can start to depend on my self

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Angelina42 views

how difficult is taking career pathway?

how hard is it to become a physician and how long will it take me because I am 16 years and in 10th grade

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Jhon49 views

What can I do to continue my life career ?

Im currently an accounting student at Santa Monica College transferring to a four-year university this fall 2023. I have completed both Financial and Managerial accounting courses and information systems courses that emphasize Microsoft Excel.

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undefined's avatar

How to become a Fitness Trainer?

Share your journey & guide aspiring Fitness Trainers on their path. Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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undefined's avatar

How to become a Coroner?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become a Coroner? Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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mary149 views

how does financing works?

economic financing

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Josiah61 views

Does it really matter where you go to college?

I plan to major in piano and voice performance with a minor in psychology, and then start private music lessons. Does it matter where I go to college, or should I try to get into one that is more prestigious in the realm of music performance? I kind of want to go to a Christian college that is closer to home, but obviously they aren't really known for music performance so I'm just wondering what I should do.

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Claudia312 views

How to become a full stack software developer?

How to become a full stack software developer

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Amparo241 views

When Working In Hospitality What Is 1 Piece Of Advice You Can Give Me While Stripping A Guest Bed?

The reason I'm asking that is because I'm working at a hotel as a student worker and I'm always struggling with separating the duvet from the matress pad. Any Advice??

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Damian240 views

what courses should I take for college to be a good real estate agent?

when I get my diploma I want to be a real estate agent but I want to go to college still so what courses should I take?

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Lawrence197 views

How can I start to make digital animation?

I want to be a digital animator, but I don´t know how to start

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david190 views

how can i be able to ensure that women rights are respected?

women tips

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RICHARD Lee288 views

What Should I know about Protective Services?

I am making a decision, and I can not decide if I have to be an Electrician Apprentice or learn with Protective Services. These two choices may seem good, but I do not know much about Protective Services. What should I know about Protective Services from a learning perspective, into a Career lifestyle?

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