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Kevin10 views

How to make a career choice?

for the confused

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Andrew9 views

How do I get ready for college?

studying colleges I want to go to

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Abbey11 views

What careers could I be headed towards?

Hey! My name is Abbey and I’m a first-year student at the University of St.Thomas in St.Paul Minnesota. Throughout my whole life, I've had an interest in sports, health, and the human body. Because of this, I decided to major in Exercise Science and double minor in Nutrition and Business Administration. I was looking at becoming an athletic trainer but decided against it a few months ago. I am really just looking for someone who has some knowledge in these areas, and could tell me a little bit of what I could go into when I'm older that includes my major and minors! And any other insights that I could find helpful in the future!

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noel62 views
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Faith44 views

How to I get a job so young?

I’m young and want a job

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Faith42 views

Why is it so important to get job?

I’m young and want to know why

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prince-darin60 views

1. what's the longest have you been on the road? 2. What's the best company I could possibly work for in the trucking industry 3. What credentials do you have and what different opportunities are available within the trucking industry because of your credentials .

I am a student at a job corps in cali and I just want to know more about the trucking industry so I can know what Im going to be getting into

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Lorraine78 views

What is beneficial from Security and Protective Services?

What makes being a security worthwhile? What’s the hardest part of being a security guard? What is the most dangerous part of being a security guard?

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Lorenz54 views

What group activities are there in Administration?

Administrative Assistants, in my understanding, do their work independently. Are there times that you work as a group? Are there group-bonding activities? How often do groups form and change?

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Lorenz29 views

How do you handle overtime?

Is there overtime as an Administrative Assistant? Are there times when you need to go places outside of work hours? Do you bring work home and can you work from home?

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Ryan65 views

how hard was it?

how hard was it to be where your at?

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Ryan72 views

How long did it take you to do what you did?

let me know how so i can understand?

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Lorenz170 views

How do you stay cordial with a client that gets emotional?

As a Secretary or Administrative Assistant, customers and clients come to you as the face of the company and can be emotional. How do you deal with them? How do you calm them down?

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Ryan171 views

how do you become successful?

tips so i can learn about it?

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Marina98 views

Would it be smart to take a medical admin trade to work in a mental institution?

I want to work in a mental institution/ hospital so I just want to know if it's good to take medical admin or medical assistant as a trade for that.

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