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Kristian4 views

How can this website be able to help me decide what my career in the future is?

With having career, I fear that I might need some assistance with seeking different opportunities with the career that I want to pursue.

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Leighanna2 views

How do I make connections?

What is a good way to make connections with other people working in the industry that you're interested in working in? #Spring24

undefined's avatar

How do you sell/shop a pitch deck for television #Spring24?

I’ve recently finished a pitch deck for a television series and I am writing more for movies and TV shows. I’m not sure how to sell/shop them or where to start. #Spring24

undefined's avatar

Hello, I want to get my Masters, but I don't want to take out a lot of loans. I have a BA in Liberal studies- Integrated concentration. What scholarships are available ?

I am a African American woman and a first generation college student. I currently live in a title 1 school district and hope to get a teaching job at one of the schools.

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Oscar6 views

How do you balance doing a career from college with a biology or business degree with your passion of wanting to do trades. Some summers I am doing an internship at a company but I also want to focus on trades like working on cars and concrete/laborer because it’s fun. Does anyone else have the same predicament?? #Spring24

I am currently double majoring in Business Administration and Communication Studies, and will be interning at a company for a design/marketing position. I always have the thought in the back of my mind to work in trades but feel like I should focus on my business degree. Has anyone ever done both a blue collar and white collar career? If so, can I do both? #Spring24

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Keilana3 views

What chemistry field would be the best for someone who doesn't want to be stuck in a lab all day?

I want to go into a chemistry field but don't want to be stuck in a lab all day. I have looked into chemical engineering but I want to know what other fields I may like.

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Arshpreet5 views

Does anyone know any good scholarships to apply to for current high school juniors ?

I have been looking for scholarships to apply to but it has been hard to find scholarships that are for high school juniors. If you are aware of any, please let me know! Thank you.

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Ashley3 views

Why did you or did you not take a gap year after completing your bachelor's in social work and what was your experience like with the choice you made? #Spring24

For those completing their bachelor's in social work, did you go straight to graduate school or did you take a gap year and why? I know it's a common dilemma but I'm mostly worried about finding a job so I'm thinking of going straight to grad school but I'm also worried about having to take out more loans. #Spring24

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Caterina13 views

where did giving gifts cards start?

how it begun

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undefined's avatar
Arshpreet4 views

How should I prepare myself for the Human Resources field ?

I am currently a junior in highschool and I plan to major in industrial/orginzational psychology with a minor in business administration. I want to have a job in the human resources field. Is there any thing I should do or know to prepare myself for that field?

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Anwita6 views

How do I get an internship in the medical/biology/biochemistry field ?

Hi! I am a junior in high school and want to get an internship over the summer in either the medical, the biology, or biochemistry field. I am totally fine without a pay, I just want the experience. I wanted to shadow a doctor but most hospitals only let college students do that. What can I do to get an internship?

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Melissa7 views

How is the whole process of becoming a nurse like ?

I'm a senior in high school about to graduate and go to college. I've been interested in joining my colleges RN program and I'm not sure what to expect in this field and I would like to hear someone's perspective that works in the nursing field.

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Mason9 views

How could I develop a better memory for subjects like Biology and Spanish?

I'm presently in my freshman year of high school; I haven't studied much but have kept my grades in the 90s. Perhaps studying might improve my memory, but I am typically engaged in class and have excellent attendance. But mostly biology, I haven't been able to remember much material and vocabulary.

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Armani6 views

Who is hiring criminal profilers

Who is hiring criminal profilers a criminal behavior analyst?

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carla37 views

how can I can I figure out my career

I like art fields ( Drawing , baking , crochet, etc) I like reading and writing I'm interested in the development of children and how the human mind works.

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