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jenny11 views

What advice do you have for someone in their sophomore year of college, who is still confused about what they want to do in the future

What advice do you have for someone in their sophomore year of college, who is still confused about what they want to do in the future

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Gabriel24 views

How do salaries get decided and paid out to employees?

How does a company pay out salaries?

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Lauryn20 views

How do I begin my nursing career ?

I am 20 years old. I just finished high school. I would love to get in the nursing career. I have joined an CNA program at Lehman college. I would love to learn more on how I can expand my nursing career.

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Nia20 views

How did you begin a career in front-end development with no experience?

I am currently a student in a tech program and want to know more about how to land a good job upon completion.

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Erma39 views

The importance of science and technology to our society?

I want to know the importance of science and technology to our society and the disadvantage of ai to our society and what measures or information to take in other to understanding better

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undefined's avatar
Erma30 views

Why is science important to our society today?

I want to know the importance of science and technology to our society and the disadvantage of ai to our society and what measures or information to take in other to understanding better

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Anson41 views

Any advice for high school junior interested in nursing?

I’m from brooklyn new york

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Cecilia41 views

I want to attend only cosmetology school but my mom makes it sound like I will be broke if I do this is this true?

I want to instead of college go to aveda can i still be successful?

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Weitao47 views

How does a day in animating look like?

I want to figure out what a day in your job looks like to get a better understanding of what should be expected

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Weitao48 views

What are employer looking for in an animator?

I know that job experience in the field could be important, but do they have preferences in what software they use?

undefined's avatar
sebastian51 views

how can i get internship?

internship tips

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undefined's avatar

How to become Nurse Anaesthetist?

Share your journey & guide aspiring Nurse Anaesthetists on their path. Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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undefined's avatar

How to become an MRI tech?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become an MRI tech? Note: Given the growing interest in the medical field, we're inviting our experienced professionals to share their knowledge.

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Rae72 views

What should I do? I know I want to go into nursing but should I continue and get a master's or just stick with a bachelor?

not available

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Melissa52 views


What does it take to have success in the professional world.

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