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Colombo, Western Province, Sri Lanka

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Angel Apr 28, 2019 1433 views

Is a graphic design major worth more than a communication major ?

#college #advice #major #communication #graphicdesign #college-major #design #art #college-major #video-game-design

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Angel Apr 28, 2019 792 views

Is a graphic design major worth more than a communication major?

#college #advice #major #communication #graphicdesign #college-major

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Angel Apr 26, 2019 626 views

Is history of art worth it? And can history land you with a couple of good history related jobs?

#history #historyofart #college #advice #help

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Angel Apr 26, 2019 680 views

Any advice for low tuition colleges for international students in San Francisco or close? I really need financial aid, but they do not offer financial aid to international students that easily. I wanna major in communication and history of art.

#advice #college #sanfrancisco #international #internationalstudents #scholarships #financialaid #historyofart #history #media #communication #financial-aid

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Angel Feb 04, 2019 1050 views

Hey, I'm planning on either majoring international relation, communication or English. But right now im in a crisis. Idk what I should major and which I should minor. But I want to do all 3. Or does anyone have a good suggestion to major in a field that is related to the above 3? And what are the most affordable colleges that do not require maths for entrance ? If anyone could answer me it'll be great!

#internationalrelations #humanities #college #english #major #minor #communication #dunnowhattodo #advice #internationalstudies #liberalarts #languages #college-major #arts

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