Do I have a realistic chance of making Notre Dame with the following credentials: 4.3 weighted GPA, 1450 SAT score, NHS member, founder of a volunteer program at my high school, varsity cross country runner and wrestler, no trouble in a year and a half?
I have wanted to go to Notre Dame since I was a young boy. I understand that I may not have given enough information, but I want to have a better rough understanding of my chances of getting into Notre Dame. I think that I have about a 1/3 chance of making it. #college #college-admissions #college-admissions #college-selection #college-bound
5 answers
Rachel’s Answer
Matthew’s Answer
Gordon, thanks for the question here. It's definitely worth considering as you approach the next season of your life and plan carefully. Based on what you have described regarding your academic success and extra-curricular activities (all of which are excellent), I believe you have a solid chance of undergraduate acceptance at Notre Dame. I wouldn't say you're a guaranteed lock, but you've got an excellent chance. In addition to Ken's wise suggestion of contacting and connecting with ND alumni, I would encourage you to explore the following ideas:
Matthew recommends the following next steps:
EmilyAnn’s Answer
- 4.6 GPA & 5 AP courses my senior year
- 1480 SAT score
- NHS; involved in sports, leadership role in marching band, founder/leader of STEM club
- Volunteered as a sports coach in my town
- Had a steady part-time job as a lifeguard/swim instructor since I was 16
I think there are so many factors that go into college admissions processes and many people who are qualified are turned down. In my case, I think I probably wasn't unique enough. Also, based on the people I know, they do like to admit people coming from Catholic schools since they are religiously affiliated. Not to say they won't accept public school kids (I was one), but it may be a factor. Overall I think it's really hard to say whether someone will get in anywhere, but don't get down on yourself if you don't. Sometimes it's more bad luck than anything.
Ken’s Answer
One good way to get some very helpful information is to make a phone call to the Director of Alumni Relations at Notre Dame and ask to be introduced to alumni of Notre Dame who are living and working in your area. You do not want to try to do this by email or messaging, as you want to be able to have a dialogue in real time to express your wishes and desires. You can then meet the local alumni and talk in person and share your desires and get their viewpoint on how you can increase your chances of being accepted. Through this process you may be able to have someone put in a good word that will assist you in being admitted. Also, you can arrange to meet other Notre Dame alumni who might share the same career aspirations as you, so you can get an inside track on how Notre Dame can help you prepare for that career. The sooner that you do this, the more chances of having a positive impact on your planning.
Mariana’s Answer
Hello Gordon!! I am a junior at the University of Notre Dame, and my brother will be an incoming freshman in the fall. I am in LOVE with our school, its values, and the people. Here are some suggestions I have for you:
Mariana recommends the following next steps: