[closed] Where do I find an authentic business-related job online?
I am a senior undergraduate at Concordia University, and I am about to obtain my bachelor degree in business administration. I would like to know if there any options for exploring online job prospects. If so, what are some great places to look?
Thank you #business-administration #business-management #job-coaching
1 answer
Gail’s Answer
Hi Amiee,
My son is a business administration graduate like you and he did two things to land his first job. Cough up the money to have a professional resume writer do your resume. He spent $300 but I can't tell you how many times that got him in the door. Secondly, find recruiters in your area and get on their list of people to call when they have jobs. These people have in's with companies so you can at least be sure your resume gets in front of the company instead of being submitted and disappearing in the black hole.
To find recruiters do an online search of recruiters for business administration in your locale. Keep hunting for them. Get references if you can. Also look through LinkedIn.
Good luck!