[closed] Is working in management stressful?
I am a college senior, and I am planning on working professionally in data management or office management. I have heard that work can be demanding at times, so how much stress will I need to manage?
Thank you. #business-management #leadership #business-development #business-ethics
1 answer
Manjunatha’s Answer
In many countries, employers have a legal responsibility to recognize and deal with stress in the workplace so that employees do not become physically or mentally ill.
It is important to tackle the causes of stress in the workplace as stress at work can lead to problems for the individual, working relationships and the overall working environment. These issues may include lowered self-esteem and poor concentration skills for the employee. The employer may suffer from increasing customer complaints, staff turnover and days lost to sickness.
High levels of stress in the workplace can lead to:
Poor decision-making.
An increase in mistakes which in turn may lead to more customer or client complaints. This in turn is likely to produce more stress.
Increased sickness and absence.
High staff turnover.
Poor employee/work place relations.
Demands - Including such issues as workload, work patterns and work environment.
Control - How much say the person has in the way they do their work.
Support - Includes the encouragement, sponsorship and resources provided by the organisation, line management and colleagues
Relationships - Includes promoting positive working to avoid conflict and dealing with unacceptable behavior.
Role - Whether people understand their role within the organisation and whether the organisation ensures that the person does not have conflicting roles.
Change - How organisational change is managed and communicated within the organisation.
Not All Stress is Harmful
Stress affects people differently. Some people seem to thrive on extremely stressful lifestyles, while others struggle to cope with everyday life.
Everyone has an optimum level of stress. Too little excitement and too few challenges may lead to an extremely dull life, yet too much stress can lead to health problems. Nevertheless, a certain amount of stress can actually prove to be good for individuals.
Positive stress can act as a spur to achieve better results than would otherwise be attained, and no-one would wish to avoid such potentially stressful but enjoyable events as the birth of a child, forming new relationships or undertaking new challenges.
Panic Attacks
In cases of extreme or continual stress, people can suffer what is known as a panic attack.
A panic attack is a brief but extremely frightening spell of severe anxiety. Lasting only a few minutes, the symptoms can include:
Feeling faint.
Pounding, fast heart rate.
Feeling hot and sweaty.
Legs turning to jelly.
Butterflies (a 'fluttery' feeling) in the stomach.
Shortness of breath.
Dry mouth.
Panic attacks often occur when the person is unaware of being particularly anxious. Recognizing panic attacks for what they are, learning how to cope with them, and dealing with the underlying problems of stress are essential to the sufferer. Anyone who experiences such an attack should seek medical advice.