[closed] How can someone relate the envisioning process to the job functionality of an office manager?
My name is Aimee and I am a business student who enjoys learning about administration and management. I like to go on a quest for more information by asking questions, completing research, and connecting with other like-minded professionals. So far I have earned an associate's degree in business administration and I will be obtaining my bachelor's degree soon. In some of my classes at school, I have asked more about my niche of business which is management. I think that it is important to know which envisions that people need to know and go towards when they are a professional. I want to have something more in life to work towards besides going to school, and I have a passion to help others learn about business. How do office managers envison themselves getting ahead and doing well for others?
Thank you for your help,
Aimee #business-administration #business-management #leadership
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