6 answers
in my school we only ha CAT (computer applications technology) as a subject and i want to purse the programming or the software course in varsity my problem is that am i going to be able to them considering the subject that i am doing or do i need to do computer sciences
i love technology but the marks i get only come from theory tests because i do not have the resources that can help me do my practicals #technology #computer #programming #software
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6 answers
Bhavna’s Answer
No, you don't necessarily need to enroll in a computer science degree program in order to pursue a programming or software course at a university. Depending on the university, there may be some alternative pathways, such as AP Courses or other certifications, that you can take in order to prove that you have the skills and knowledge you need to take the programming/software course. It would be beneficial for you to speak with an academic advisor at the university you are interested in attending so that you can identify any additional steps you may need to take to pursue this course.
Mickael’s Answer
Hi Nandi,
"i love technology but the marks i get only come from theory tests because i do not have the resources that can help me do my practicals".
There are tons of free website to teach you basic of computer science and programming. If you want to learn programming, try to download a python interpreter and start coding in python using python tutorial. Python language has the advantage of being easy to start with, and there are interpreters for almost all common operating systems and architecture.
Some python tutorial: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/index.htm or https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/
Then start practicing. codeguru, stackoverflow are websites that can help answering specific questions. MIT have free courses available in pdf or video format for computer science training. If you have a computer (which you need if you want to train in computer) and Internet access, it's pretty much infinite information.
"i love technology but the marks i get only come from theory tests because i do not have the resources that can help me do my practicals".
There are tons of free website to teach you basic of computer science and programming. If you want to learn programming, try to download a python interpreter and start coding in python using python tutorial. Python language has the advantage of being easy to start with, and there are interpreters for almost all common operating systems and architecture.
Some python tutorial: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/index.htm or https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/
Then start practicing. codeguru, stackoverflow are websites that can help answering specific questions. MIT have free courses available in pdf or video format for computer science training. If you have a computer (which you need if you want to train in computer) and Internet access, it's pretty much infinite information.
George’s Answer
The internet is amazing, it allows people from all over the world connect with each other (this website included). There will always be differences in the resources available to us depends on where we live. In summary, it's important to do well at school and open those opportunities that come from exceling locally while working outside of school on the areas that interest you and you want to learn. You will need to focus on being a lifelong learner so use the internet to find resources to help you reach this goal and all future goals.
Varina’s Answer
Hi Nandi -- I'd suggest checking if your local library has computer resources that you could utilize, or if your municipality has free programs for its residents, or even if nearby colleges or universities have high school outreach programs that would enable you to get the type of hands-on experience you want. I hope this helps!
Umesh’s Answer
I would try to get a summer job at a university or company near you. This maybe a way to help them out an also learn computer programming while working. You can make contacts with professional computer programmers and decide if you really like this field as a career.
Hello Andy...Hello, I don't know if you have a computer, in case you have I suggest you start programming with free courses that you find on the Internet.
The language I suggest is Python. It has the advantage of being easy to get started, and there are interpreters for almost all common operating systems and architectures.
Some Python tutorial: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/index.htm or https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/
Good Look Ale
The language I suggest is Python. It has the advantage of being easy to get started, and there are interpreters for almost all common operating systems and architectures.
Some Python tutorial: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/index.htm or https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/
Good Look Ale